Hello! I just wanted to let you know that you're an amazing wonderful awesome person who deserves to walk the Earth! <3
(Post this on as many message boards as you want to spread positivity! (You don't have to though))
Just realized, I kinda forgot to say who I am on this account: So to those of you who aren’t following my main account, this is @Fandomsunite05!
On another note, I’ve kinda discovered that roleplaying isn’t actually for me. I’m more of a writer, so I won’t really be active on this account until further notice. But I still post stories and am willing to talk whenever on my main account! :)
@h3rmi7s Of course! We protect IskallMAN's button! (I guess it could be kind of like a roleplay thing, it's obviously just for fun! Kinda on pause now, because the button game is also paused)