I keep going back to the original Sleepwalker story and see if anyone ACTUALLY wrote a continuation like they said they would... They never do. I read about one person a while back who apparently did it, but they must have deleted it or something because I can't find it. I am practically the only continuation of the story out there and I feel bad that they can only read mine... A few people did say recently that they would start writing it!! I'm excited!
To be honest, I wrote my first continuation chapter in about 15-20 minutes.. When I commented that I continued it, I made that comment only a little while after reading the series.
Also, an update on my Billdip finale: I've written the second part of the clue (The first for the actual chapter)! It's taking me SO much longer than I anticipated! When I wrote out the idea on the drawing board I used around 1200 words. The first part of my story took 800 WORDS!! I COULD MAKE AN ENTIRE CHAPTER OUT OF ONLY THE FIRST TINY SEGMENT! So -if you're still reading this -, I'll ask you a question (And if I get no replies I'll just pick one out myself:
Should I make all these into a singular chapter? (Keep in mind that I made the first clue in an already published chapter and the rest of the segments will be around the same length as the second one - If not, longer.)
Do I make these into separate parts? (Two - Maybe three - per chapter)