
Second chapter of Featherstones Journey is out!


So it wasn't even a month, but I'm back. Basically for the next few months, I'm going to rewrite all of the first book (Reckoning) because it needs a rewrite. Secondly, I'm going to write Featherstone and Nettlesong a novella. The novellas should only take a few weeks at best and the rewrite should hopefully take two months.
          Then finally after River of Lies is finished I will announce the next four books in the first arc of Warriors Eternal.
          Anyway, that's it!


Hi, uhm, I'm going to be going on break for about a month or two for some personal issues. I just need time to mourn one of my friends who recently ended their own life.
          I'm also incredibly burnt out and I'm struggling to write River of Lies because of it.
          This isn't a "goodbye" it's more of a "Cya later" 


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little update guys 
          so uh I was diagnosed with sciatica on Friday and sorry for the lack of chapters, I've been ill and school is fucking my ahh right now.
          Also that weird smut author on ao3 that stole my characters and shit is still up so yeah..
          Anyway I'll try to release chapter 1 this month, the chapters are alot bigger so yeah 


            Hey hope you're doing okay
            Take as much time as you need ^^


The new book has been released! Warriors Eternal- Horizons: River of Lies! 
          Chapter one is being written right now and may just come out tonight! This book will be finished by this year. Also, because the two books have totaled 234 reads (last time I checked) and 20 votes I have decided to release a side book. It will be like scrapped ideas and different scrapped art things! That should be out soon.
          2025 will be a great year for Warriors Eternal! (if we don't count that disgusting pedo on ao3, still trying to get them taken down or atleast get the book taken down!)


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This was NOT how I was expecting to start this year but uhm, one of my IRL friends told me about this smut of my book series with all my characters, It was an underage sex chapter of Spiderstar and Sunkit. I know I wrote into the cannon how Spiderstar is a pedo but jesus fucking christ. Please don't write books about smut of my characters, especially the fucking kits. I genuinely feel sick omfg.
          So uhm yeah. If you wanna report them because this person NEVER asked me permission to use my characters for this and even if they did I wouldn't of let them because this is fucking pedo shit . The book and the user will be in this link
          So please genuinely fucking report this bastard because I'm genuinely fucking disgusted about this! 2025 is wild