
The first chapter of the rewrite is up! I'm so excited for y'all to get to read it https://www.wattpad.com/story/110442508


Six Rewrite Update! 
          Hey everyone! So first thing's first, you may notice I changed up some things on my profile. I tend to write under the pen name Avery most of the time, so I've changed my profile on here a bit to make it easier to link it with my twitter/ other writing accounts. Don't be scared; it's still me :) However, you can now follow my Twitter and AO3 accounts to see other content (which will probably mostly be critical role fanfiction ngl).
          Without being overdramatic, I got some pretty garbage news last week that I have to move out of the flat I'm currently in, so the next couple of weeks are going to be stressful, so I may not be as present online as I hope to be in the future. 
          However, to the main event: Starting in a little over a week, I'm going to start posting the Six Rewrite here on my Wattpad account. Again, it'll be under a new book because I don't want to lose the original. I'm planning on posting another chapter every Thursday starting from next Thursday, so you guys have a set day to look forward to :-) 
          As always, feedback is really appreciated and I hope you're all as stoked for this as I am! I've had a pretty rubbish couple of years and I'm excited to get back into the community and get back to doing what I love :) 
          I hope you're all having a lovely day :) 
          Until next time, stay nerdy


Six Rewrite Official Announcement 
          Hey everyone! Long time no see! I took some time off writing online for health reasons but I’m back and (hopefully) better than ever!! 
          It’s been a couple of years since I posted anything on this site, but I’ve still been writing behind the scenes. 
          This year, I’ve decided that I’m going to rewrite the first book of my countdown series, Six. For those of you who don’t know, the books hold a special place in my heart and I cherish them so much. 
          So that being said, I just wanted to let people know that I’m back, and I should hopefully be able to start getting the rewrite out to y’all in a couple of weeks. I’ll leave the original up and untouched for sentimental reasons, and because I know it still has a couple of active readers. 
          I’d be very excited to see engagement with the book, and I want to get back into this writing community. 
          All in all, I hope you all have a wonderful day and I’m very excited for the things to come. 
          Until next time,
          Stay nerdy 


Welcome back! :)


Hey everyone! Just a quick question for readers. Who would rather see a Countdown rewrite, and who would rather see a Cody Daniels series rewrite/finish?  I'm planning on fixing up one of the two series' this year and probably one next year, but I wanted to know which one you guys want to see first!


Cody Daniels. You left us at a cliff hanger and I would like to see what happens


Attention readers! 
          If that actually caught your attention I'll be amazed. 
          1. I'm planning on rewriting my Cody Daniels trilogy (Angel, Demon, King), which I never got round to reading in the first place. I'll try to do it all neat and civil, but to be honest it's probably going to end up looking like a mess until I've finished rewriting it. Also, I probably won't get properly into it until after Christmas because I'm piled under coursework and trying to write my mum's birthday present (I agreed to write her a book every year for her bday. WHY?) 
          2. If you're still here and a fan of my slightly more popular series, Countdown, then you'll be happy to hear that I'm also planning on rewriting them after I've done with the CD trilogy. Now I know this series is much more beloved so I probably won't change much, just the quality of the writing, so all of your favourites will be (mostly) safe. I just feel like it was a great idea, but with my current standard of writing, could be much better. 
          If you read this far, thank you! (I never read notifications from people I follow tbh) If you don't read either series then this message doesn't concern you and will proceed to self-destruct. If this message does concern you, feel free to message me about any queries about the rewrites! Cheers ^.^


@DeclanCasey And you felt the need to come over to Wattpad to make this point again? I saw it, and just chose to ignore it. 
          For me, the main themes of HP are love and friendship. Yeah, they're also about death, discrimination and a bunch of other things, but to me the series was about family and working together. These themes remained consistent, and in the end Harry couldn't get through it all without the support of others, which is probably what Rowling wanted to come across. I never said the visual effects are the best thing of any franchise. The best part of any franchise is a good story. I don't actually care too much for visual effects, I watch a lot of low budget films. Harry Potter was originally a children's series, and if you think that makes it sound lame, then I suppose you're not that big of a fan. It was always advertised in it's early years as 'the boy wizard'. 
          Does that answer all of your questions that you felt the need to ask me twice?