IN THE REAL WORLD I am a widowed mom of 7, yes seven, kids ranging from 5-25 years old

ITRW I gave birth to one, adopted five and have permanent legal custody one of the creatures that call me mom.
ITRW my adult son has high functioning autism. He sees the world in a way that fascinates me. If you have an issue with who he is, that is YOUR issue. Not his. Not mine
ITRW my 21 yr old is bipolar. She opts not to be medicated so there are days she is a real peach. If you dont like it, thats okay She is who she is and we support her. Unconditionally.
ITRW I have a son with CP. He uses a walker to get around. So many people see his walker and treat him like a toddler. It takes about 2 minutes of interaction with him to realize that his legs are affected, not his brilliant mind.
ITRW one of my kids loves to wear dresses, do his hair and make up and show the world who he is. Now that hes a teen, its "my job" to "correct" his behavior. Yeah, that doesnt work for us. If thats a problem we have several doors people can use to leave.
ITRW one of my kids is on meds 4 times a day to help with his anger and anxiety. "They" see behavioral issues and a "bad" kid. I see a scared boy that has already lost too much and NEEDS to know that the person he has left will love and stand by him no matter what. I will spend my life proving that if he needs me to.
ITRW 4 of my kids were born addicted, 5 have a real (genetic) possibility of developing a metal illness & one may or may not live an "alternative" lifestyle.
ITRW its messy, chaotic and often a total disaster ... but its real. Its our life. Its who we are, and I wouldnt change one minute. They have taught me things I would never have learned from books.
Cheer, football, voice coach, college tours ... we never know where life will lead us but we are never bored!
9/19 The next generation has begun, and she is perfect.
Let the chaos continue.
  • JoinedNovember 11, 2013

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