
For the few ppl who still read my book and didn't give up on me thank you very much and also I updated my book after 1 and a half months


Well guess this is a goodbye...:) I'll try to come back here...just know that you are awesome bish :3 and I love you ❤️ I stg dont forget me or imma slap you--


@AnnieIsTheRealQueen plss do come back.. HOW CAN I FORGET YOU. I LOVE YOU.. GOODBYEE❤❣


✨ Last message from The Kim Annie to her hoomans before disappearing on 1st Feb ✨
          Heya there mate ! Do I see a frown on your face ?!?! *DrAmATiC GaSp* HOW DARE YOU RUIN YOUR BEAUTY WITH THAT FROWN ?! SMILE , SILLY ✨ YOUR SMILE CAN HEAL PEOPLE !!! Trust me sis/bro you look awesome with that smile on your face ~ ;)
          Are you eating?!?!? You better eat bish or imma fly over there and yeeT your ass out of your window >:( . Damnnnn how do you look so ✨ gorgeous ✨wait what??? No I'm not talking about your face idiot- ( no offence ) Its your sExY Heart im talking about ! ❤️ Oof- how many people did you hurt with that smile you are wearing right now while reading this huH- I'M LITERALLY ✨DEVASTED✨ ! YOU ARE SO ADORABLE ! 
          Anyway , lets just get right into the point ! Enough goofing ! Its just that you are super special to me ! Just know that you are special and you are always important to someone in this entire world ! You are not worth any money because you are ✨PRICELESS✨ YOU VALUE TO SO MANY PEOPLE IDIOT SO NEVER SEE DOWN TO YOURSELF ! ChEeZuS I SouNd ChEeSy- Anyway I will miss you alot ! I lobe you mah bishes ❤️✨ 
          - From that idiot , Annie :P


@AviiMeoww I had alot going on in my home..:(


My cute cat, Avii!
          I hope you are alright and have been taking care of yourself. It's been a long time since we talked. I miss you so much, my cat~
          Avii, whenever so many challenges come, stand up and be strong. You can overcome them, I know you can. I have known you for months and I know you are strong, nothing can change my mind. I love you so so much!


@Jimin95filter aww.. thank you so much. I'm sorry I haven't been active on wp at all for the past few weeks because of school work and I really appreciate your message. I hope you are well and same to you. Take good care of yourself. DOn't forget about yourself as you worry about others. always know that I love you soooooo much <3 <3 <3


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Hey lovely human , accept my cuddles ❤
          Post this on everyone you care about's wall because everyone deserves love ❤
          It doesn't matter how many you get back you just need to know that I LOVE YOU and WILL SUPPORT YOU always ❤
          - By Annie❤