
I might actually start editing TWT now  wish me luck


Anyone got any writing prompts?


@AviorShadestar A person who can see sound (Synesthesia), and a blind person, trying to explain their perspectives to each other.


So, I know I haven’t been updating my books right now, but rest assured I AM WORKING ON THEM behind the scenes. I have all the plots worked out, it’s just the process of writing them down. UPDATES ARE COMING but I want to get chunks out of the way in case writers block comes again.


I just decided to post a smaller work titled “The Years Alone” because I honestly just need to write something down to get past my writers block and this wasn’t terrible. Enjoy, and I’ll see you all in the next chapter.


          I know this whole “Spider-Man leaving the MCU” thing is really upsetting, (heck I could storm Sony HQ) but look at this, Sony has made a huge mistake, they thought they didn’t need Marvel after the success of the first two Spider-Man standalones (HC & FFH) so if the sales drop and the backlash is big enough, they’ll probably come crying back to Marvel, I guess we could also just wait it out seeing as how Disney/Marvel will probably own Sony anyways? 
          SO We have to set a rule for the viewers of this fandom if this plan is gonna work. WE DO NOT ACCEPT THE TOM HOLLAND SPIDER-MAN UNLESS HE IS IN THE MCU. We won’t watch the movies you dish out , Sony, unless we see Spider-Man being a big brother to Morgan, unless we get him teaming up with other Avengers, unless we know the cliffhanger ending, unless we get the scoop on happy and aunt mays relationship!!! WE WANT ANSWERS AND WE WILL TAKE NOTHING LESS. 


I agree with poet here, I didn’t know this until yesterday,  but Disney tried to change their agreement with sony to extremely unfair measures and so Sony pulled the plug. 


@AviorShadestar idk I think it was good of Sony to take Spiderman from the MCU because Disney is lowkey an evil company and has made extremely sketchy decisions. 