
I have a new username! Why you may ask? I'm working on a couple other projects that aren't Star Wars related. Avner Varne will be my pen name and all my stories Star Wars and otherwise will be under this name. 


Have youu ever thought of a Narutoxstar wars  were at the end of the 4th War during the battle with Sasuke there final  attack opens a portal to thr old republic council meeting room and he comes out at the age of 6 cause of all the tail beast chakra in his body tring to keep him alive de ages him while also his Raven and Bastlie Descendent cause they had 2 kids and one ended disappeared one day and ended up on Elemental?


I am very delighted to rediscover your story,  it's been a very long time since I last read it after my previous phone suddenly unalived itself but here I am with a new one after months of searching for this story,  that's how good your story is to me. Please keep up the good work ❤️✌️


New cover for Kotor! Check it out. Also more updates coming soon.


@CommanderSkyGuy let me know what you think when you do! 


@Revan_Reborn I need to continue reading your story actually


Thank you to everyone who has messaged me asking me to continue my Kotor adaptation. Thank you all for the support and patience as I dealt with some serious writer's block and just being really busy. Chapter 26 has just been posted. Enjoy, and as always, feedback is always appreciated. May the Force be with you. 


Hello everyone! I know it's been awhile since I've posted anything. Thank you all for being patient and still showing your support for my ongoing Kotor project. Chapter 25 has been posted and, as always, this is all first draft release with very light editing. 
          I did throw in a little something in this chapter for any of you who might be reading who are fans of Kotor II and Rebels. Hope you enjoy while I get to work on Chapter 26!