
Бивш автор.. тези думи в биото ти страшно ме натъжават... изпитвала съм подобен интерес и чувства само при още 1 единствена история от друг автор, а аз чета много истории. Даже нея биеш! Неоспоримо си страхотна и се надявам да "оздравееш"


Добре край вече официално съм ти най големия фен! ХDD Историите ти са уникални просто нямам думи да опиша колко им се наслаждавам докато ги чета! 


@ Zoui_Phantomhive  wow mn blagodarq *.* shte pisha poveche ako moga, shtom ima hora kato teb. ^_^ <3


Hi there.
          Not promoting a story here. I come in peace and just want to help.
          I was reading a story a few days ago and someone posted criticisms. It was innocent at first then her comments got not only nasty but obviously inaccurate. When I tried to correct her she sent me a not so nice PM and then she blocked me. It was fine though since I just gave my opinion. Later. however, I noticed she deleted all her votes and comments from that story which means she took it out on the author too!!! It made me feel sorry for her followers because she just might do the same to you if a commenter on your story crossed her. I'm not trying to start trouble. If you're not interested in knowing (her name) you can just ignore my message. 
          I simply wanted to give others a fair warning pf what is possible with her.


Честит рожден ден!!! Много здраве, щастие, късмет, любов, много сбъднати мечти и всичко най-най! Пожелавам ти големи....не, не...ОГРОМНИ успехи с писането и с всичко друго, с което се захванеш!!! И пак ЧЕСТИТ РОЖДЕН ДЕН !


@ Magi_1518  mersi :) ;D