
Do you know how far is the sun? Still the light reaches the tiniest cell in the leaf and the plant grows.
          	As we enter the holy month of Ramadan, remember why this month is so honoured and blessed. Ramadan is the month the light of the Quran came down from the seven heavens and we have this light with us. Make sure to spend time in its light to grow beautifully. I hope this encourages you to pray for all you want because your voice is heard by Your Creator in the seven heavens.
          	Ramadan Mubarak! May Allah accept from us, increase us in Iman and Taqwa and help us reach Laylatul Qadr. Ameen. ✨️


@AwesomeAreej Ramadan mubarak sis!! ✨️ ameen.❤️


@AwesomeAreej Aameen. Ramadan Mubarak 


Do you know how far is the sun? Still the light reaches the tiniest cell in the leaf and the plant grows.
          As we enter the holy month of Ramadan, remember why this month is so honoured and blessed. Ramadan is the month the light of the Quran came down from the seven heavens and we have this light with us. Make sure to spend time in its light to grow beautifully. I hope this encourages you to pray for all you want because your voice is heard by Your Creator in the seven heavens.
          Ramadan Mubarak! May Allah accept from us, increase us in Iman and Taqwa and help us reach Laylatul Qadr. Ameen. ✨️


@AwesomeAreej Ramadan mubarak sis!! ✨️ ameen.❤️


@AwesomeAreej Aameen. Ramadan Mubarak 


Assalamualikum. Hey. This is an invite for everyone to engage, a person from any belief or background. I am planning to post a new chapter in "Why believe in God?" If you haven't read the first chapter, do check it out and share your thoughts. All civil conversations are welcome. Stay tuned and take care ♡


Does anyone else miss the old wattpad? The 2016ish one?
          It's too ew these days. I cannot even open the app without being bombarded with unnecessarily explicit things  It makes me want to remove Trust Me from here. Can we find a good, clean platform?
          My body is just . I am incredibly sick and cannot seem to get better. About my mind/heart, I have some sukoon now so Jazak'Allāhu Khairun for the duas. I miss Ramadan. It's almost here. In Sha Allah soon. 


@AwesomeAreej plss I am telling you I am buying your book..plssssss publish ittt♡♡♡◇◇


@AwesomeAreej seriously same sis same...2016 Wattpad was just awesome 


Back in the depression land. Sorry, I wish my thriving wasn't so flaky. Just wanted to be honest because it's suffocating to lie. Need duas. I have Allah.


@AwesomeAreej May Allah heal you and grant you peace 


            May Allah ease your affairs. May He protect you against grief and sorrow. Aameen


@AwesomeAreej may Allah ease your pain and bless you 


اسلام علیکم ورحمة وبركاته 
          (Peace upon you & love & blessings)
          How is everyone? I hope you are doing well in your respective lives.
          I wanted to drop by to say hi and to thank everyone who has given my account and my works attention and love throughout all these years. It warms my heart deeply when anyone gives even a little time to appreciate my work, whether it is adding my book to their reading lists or voting or commenting or following my account. 2.94K humans, humans with incredibly unique lives and their own universes follow me. It is a number I cannot comprehend. Even one matters. Even one.
          Thank you for your time and I hope my writing benefits everyone who reads it.
          A little update about me:
           الحمد لله
           (Ultimate praise & ultimate thanks to Allah)
          I am doing really good these days. I found the will to not only survive, but to thrive in my life. There were really hard days which I still do not understand how I overcame. It all feels utterly divine. I feel safe within my body which I have never experienced before الحمد لله
          The first thing in my healing process was to come back and complete the book in August 2022. One day soon انشاء الله you will find it in stores. I have high, limitless hopes from my Qadr, my decree lies in complete control of Allah.
          Those who mentioned me in their prayers, I cannot ever repay you. Thank you. When I wasn't okay enough to be active, still in the most difficult and insane of times, I'd open this app to be uplifted by the heartfelt comments and messages. Your love and warmth helped me believe I mattered even if it felt like a lie at the time. So thank you. I am okay. Trust me ;)
          Feel free to tell me all about how you've been, whoever you are.


@Rifa_Fathma_ Not yet :) I have lots of ambitions to conquer انشاء الله


@AwesomeAreej are u planning on penning down a new novel??


@saadahusman Aww hahaha thanks :) I don't know what I was thinking 11 years ago when I came up with my username. I probably liked the rhythm of it then and here we are.


Assalamualaikum Areej, I hope you are doing well. I just completed rereading Trust Me. Just like when I read the book for the first time at the age of 16, I read it in one go. I loved every part of it. It's so evident that you've put your heart and soul in it. 
          The story of Abeer and Azar with their strengths, struggles and flaws is an amazing read. Rereading it right now allowed me to have a deeper understanding of it. Your way of explanation and conveying the feelings of the characters was incredible. I felt what they felt. Thanks for writing such an amazing book. 
          I hope you keep writing your amazing stories. 


@sabagul28 Walaikumusalammm Saba! Omg! I opened wattpad after so long and I am delighted to see your message. I am so so glad you enjoyed it. Jazaki'Allāhu Khairun for rereading and your message. You are close to my heart ♡


A Sincere Advice for Us Muslim Authors: I pray to Allah for this advice to be beneficial for everyone. 
          Shahawaat (Desires) - usually a person knows what they are doing is wrong, whether it's in Haram relationship, Haram food or whether it's looking at something Haram. They know what they are doing is wrong but their heart is attached to it.
          Is this not the case with us authors? Subhan Allah. 
          We know free mixing is Haram yet we write it. We know any relationship between male and female is prohibited before marriage yet we write it. We know we should observe Hijab and all it's conditions yet we go against it. 
          My dear Muslim authors please pay heed, titling a story as 'Islamic Story' or 'Muslim Story' or adding tags such as 'Islamic' does not make that book a Muslim or an Islamic book. The content within it makes it. 
          We give our book a Muslim name or description yet our cover shows an image of naked woman from behind. Is this Muslim at all? Is this not disrespect of Islam? May Allah forgive us. 
          My dear Muslim authors, remember the Speech of your Lord: "He [i.e., man] utters no word except that with him is an observer prepared [to record]." (50:18).
          Everything we say, write, do and convey is being recorded. The two scribers leave nothing except they write every single thing. 
          Writing a book by staying within the boundaries of Islam will only benefit you as well as your readers, however, writing a book without being concerned with Islamic rulings or commands of Allah will benefit no one. It may benefit us in this world but what about our Hereafter? Are we really going to trade our Hereafter for this temporary world? 
          Last but not least, writing 'it's a fiction just go with it' or 'it's just a fiction' does not give us a green flag to write whatever we want. How can we neglect our role as a Muslim for mere romance novels? May Allah guide us to that which is right. 


@reflectivewryter Ameen ya Rabb. Actually I've completed reading your story many months ago and it was the only story that met with my 'Islamic+Halal+In line with Laws of Islam' ! Alhamdulillah, may Allah grant you success my dear sister - I hope you'd write a story that benefits all Muslim authors and readers in terms of Right version of Islam - In Shaa Allah! 


@reflectivewryter You are so right about this. If I write something which is sinful, I write it as a sin. For eg, if a character is drinking alcohol, the story condemns it & depicts it as a sin. Additionally, there mustn't be any explicit scenes between characters. I have written Trust Me with all of this in mind. There isn't any explicit scenes regardless of marriage between characters. The story is about abuse & faith. As I am a human being, I am prone to making mistakes. Thank you for your message because I just realised that the cover of Trust Me could be better. I made this digital art. It is of a drawing of the main character with thorns piercing her body. She is surrounded by flowers & her hands are raised up, making dua. The back of the shoulder & the arms are visible, I drew this with the intent to show scars & cuts on her body. Your message made me understand that it isn't appropriate. I will fix it and reupload. Jazaki'Allāhu Khairun. If you are looking for reading an Islamic story, that is actually spiritual, I'd suggest giving Trust Me a try. Despite the mistake in the cover, the content of Trust Me is very spiritual. May Allah forgive us all Ameen.


Assalamualaikum @AwesomeAreej, I read ur book trust me and it is just a amazing can u pleeeease make a sequel if you can?


@rahmah724624 Walaikumusalam. Thank you for your message. There won't be a sequel, sorry. I do want to write more stories in the future In Sha Allah and these days I am posting poetry on insta @oureyes_tell 