uuggghh I want to write a new story but I feel obligated to finish Beneath the Ink first....... Alright. I'll finish BTI and then I'll work on my new story. Set in stone. I'm going to write... right.... NOW!!!
uuggghh I want to write a new story but I feel obligated to finish Beneath the Ink first....... Alright. I'll finish BTI and then I'll work on my new story. Set in stone. I'm going to write... right.... NOW!!!
Sorry I haven't been on in so long guys. I've actually gotten some new motivation to finish Beneath the Ink! Also, I am working on a new story. Definitely different from my other ones.
Be on the lookout for updates!
"People were created to be loved. Things were created to be used. The reason why the world is in chaos is because things are being loved and people are being used." -Unknown
Sorry, no update this weekend. I've been really lazy and been binge watching NCIS that I didn't write anything so I'll just update next week.
Loves you all....