
Apologies for the lack of anything for, like, a month. School is mucking up my schedule and availability to post. I'll attempt to have a chapter of something out soon. 


Damn two weeks and I've published on the day I said I would. I'm proud XD new story! Superhero vs super villain, but told from the villain's view. A man named Serum is fighting for the hope of the people of Kinsman City against the hero. There will be fighting and all that jazz. It's up, please read it and tell me what u think!


K SO. I am really bad at these things, but I'll try this time. I'm going to try to post a new chapter of stories once every one to two weeks. I'll try to keep a steady stream of new works up because I would like to grow a little with the followings. I'll try to put out some new quality story stuffs for y'all. Hugs and kisses. (I feel like a beauty guru...*stereotypical California accent* aha kisses) k bye. 


Busy busy busy. I've got two stories coming out very soon. Just going to edit and hate myself a little, then edit some more and then post them. I'll release the little information section of each story sometime when it's not 5:40 am. Aight, have a good day/night.