
IT'S PUBLISHED! I hit a few bumps when Wattpad decided to automatically refresh and I almost lost nearly 1000 words, but I got 'em back and everything is good! Chapter 2 should be coming out within the next week or two!


2800 some words on the first chapter... Might be close to maybe say... 5000? Oh geez this is taking a while. Sorry about that, but since the first chapter (sometimes two) is the one where you introduce your characters and such, added with the fact that I am a VERY detailed writer, this may take some time. Say around... next Tuesday by the latest?? HANG IN THERE!


Woohoo! Chapter 1 is nearly done, and two will hopefully be finished in the next week. I've never really tried writing and publishing my own novel (hence my first story being a fanfiction to kinda get into the groove of things), so that means longer chapters and more hours at the computer!... -_-
          Aaaanyway, more of my own art will be posted for new chapters, stories, etc. So a lot of the chapters might be posted later than expected due to extra hours of making the art, but I'll try and get these all done ASAP. With that, goodbye comrades!


Hi! I'm back! Life has been... Busy. Running With The Pack is currently on hold, as I have (sadly) hit a blank spot on it, but I am coming out with a fully planned original novel! Chapter 1 is in the works, and many more fanfictions and original stories will be coming in the near future. (Some will be done with my friends!) So I'm back to writing a steady schedule!


Also, the name is When We Changed The World, and the artwork for the cover is done by me.