Hello everyone. It’s been well over a year since I’ve last spoken to you all. I have decided to announce my departure from this platform and wanted to take the opportunity to thank you all for your support of my writing. I’ve been dealing with a family crisis for the better part of a year, now, and it put into perspective what I want to focus on in the future. As fun as it is, writing is no longer one of those things. As it is, I give permission to @OdinIsAnAss to use my one-shots in projects and writing, and if anyone else is interested in using the content of my stories, you can ask her. To briefly explain my departure, @OdinIsAnAss and I are no longer living together and haven’t been for a couple of months. We weren’t sure what was going to happen so we didn’t announce this sooner, but I’m moving back to Norway to be with my family. My parents are going through a messy divorce and my two siblings (younger than me by a great many years) are caught in the middle. I’ve been fighting to assume guardianship of them since neither of my parents are in the state of mind to care for them. So, wish me luck. I’m heading out of Canada tomorrow to go home. I’ll really miss you all, and perhaps I’ll log in once and a while to say hello, but I cannot be sure. My account will not be deleted, nor will my stories. Thank you again to all of you who supported me and my writing. Thank you for all the joy you’ve brought to my life. I’m forever in your debt. I bid you all a fond farewell, Skylaar Oldströng

@ninetiesloki Thank you! Our conversations brought light into my heart and I can never say thank you enough for that. Take care of everyone on here for me, will you? I’m going to miss you! <3

@just-tissue Thank you so much! I’m going to miss you and best of luck on all your fanfic endeavors! <3