
Positive Chain:
          	Write 5 things you love about yourself on your message board. Then send it to 5 people who need more love.
          	I love my voice (I sing) 
          	I love my love for animals
          	I love my willingness to do anything for the people I love 
          	I love my nerdiness
          	I love the color of my eyes


Positive Chain:
          Write 5 things you love about yourself on your message board. Then send it to 10 people who need more love.


@bandito06 Dude I have no idea why I didn't see this before I'm so sorry!


Hi there,I just wanted to say I love your quotes, you're an amazing writer, I really hope you go far in life, cause the world needs people like you,and I wish I could vote more but I have exhausted my voting limit am so sorry


@G0DDDD  Omg thank you so much you have no idea how much all of your votes and comments mean to me <3 <3


Oka, so I haven't updated my fanfics in a really long time, and neither is probably going to be updated for a while due to certain events. As of right now, I will publish what I have just so I know it's out there and people can read my works. Be sure to leave comments!


are you going to rewrite camp freedom or is it discontinue?


            Lol it's alright. And thanks for the compliment! I WISH I could write things that well! XD


Oh my bad I thought you was the author cause they said they would but they made a new account with the username like yours so I assumed you was the author 


            Wh would I rewrite Camp Freedom? It isn't my story. And the author hasn't given me permission to.