
this message may be offensive
well shit I forgot about this lol 
          	I don't write much anymore
          	mental illness shit/ my job/ life rolling on and many more getting in the way


Hi guys, Just a quick note to say I'm going through a rough patch at the moment, so won't be able to put anything up on here for a while. I've decided to focus on my health first and put up some better quality stuff after. Much love is appreciated. <3


Yes I know. I KNOW. I'm really bad at keeping things like this up to date. I honestly often forget it's even there. Anyway, I'd like to offer an apology- I don't know what's been the matter with me of late. Well yeah, I do know, I've got mental health issues and A NEW JOB AW YEEEAH, so those things have pretty much taken over my life right now. I'm also REALLY behind on my penpal letters, so it's not only this that has taken a backseat. Anyway, I feel a little better than how I felt BEFORE I got a job, so who knows, maybe I'll get that creative spark back. I know there's not much I can offer in terms of excuses/ an apology as, really, I should keep things up more often/ be more active. So hopefully I can start to upload more (Free on the weekends! weeyyy) if I ever get the time and inspiration. 
          Cheers for still being here. 
          TMA x