
Still writing! Just a quick post to make it obvious I still keep an eye on my account here and use it. :)
          	Hope everyone's doing well!


Hello everyone! Hope you're all doing well. Figured I'm overdue to post another update here. (Yes, I'm still kicking... I'm just quiet on here - if you ever want/need to contact me, just shoot me a PM, I always loving hearing from everyone)
          And can I just repeat how surprised I am that I see a trickle of new followers?! Thanks so much! 
          I'm still honestly debating what to post up here. I know when it comes time to publish TotG properly, I'll post a sample of the (much revised, by that point... there's so many things I'm tearing apart and re-working) finished book up here for everyone to check out. But we're still quite a ways out on that front. Unfortunately. =( 
          I'm sitting on a few writing ideas that may get their rough drafts posted to here as I work on them. When that might happen, though, I can't say. All I know is that, when the writing dam breaks this go, it should be pretty spectacular!
           Also - cue me being surprised to see "The Lights Went Out" as having a pretty decent ranking under the "Wild" tag. Considering how awful I am at tagging stories, haha. I'm still pretty proud of that short, considering I've always really sucked at writing short stories (of any kind). =)
          As always, thanks for your continuing support, and hoping to post some awesome news in the near-ish future!


Figured I better post a status update, since it's been a while! 
          Still working on TotG revisions. I am slowly making headway, though, but I'm doing quite a lot of rewriting. Hoping the next time I write one of these, it will be to say it's finished (or near to it) and entering the publishing process. I have little doubt enough things will change within it to surprise readers of the first draft. Especially since an entire arc (that I never really liked, anyway) is being taken out and replaced with something much shorter. 
          To say it's a learning process is an understatement! I love to line edit, but suck at massive plot reworkings. =D 
          Anyways - I still live! Hope you're all doing well, as always.


Well, here's a new thing! I've been feeling a bit guilty for not posting something else sooner, but I've been fairly distracted the last while. Not sure how things will go with Lady Shadow (awful working title, I know - I often have bad working titles) but will try to update it as frequently as I can. I've had it sitting and collecting dust since 2015, so I'd like to see it finished.
          Hope you enjoy it!
          I'm still busily editing TotG (Note: procrastinating while writing endless notes on my favourite story/random fluff) and hope to see it done by the end of the year, but I've had a hard time with BIC (Butt in Chair) so we'll see. When something interesting happens involving it, I'll be sure to post about it here!


Hello again everyone!
          Mostly, this is just to say I'm still alive on Wattpad - though I've been dead silent, I receive notifications via email, so I'm very reachable via here. I'll probably become more active to some degree when I'm through the worst of the editing phase. 
          TotG is still being revised. I will admit to taking a longer break from it than I initially thought I would, but I've begun on it again in the last few days, and I'm hoping to get the worst of the revisions done in the next couple months (code for, "Before my birthday") so I can do my favourite bit - line-by-line polishing. 
          Still debating what I might post to WP next... It's not so much a lack ideas, as it is a, "What first?" situation. I wouldn't be surprised if I post an little alternate POV of TotG as a "short story" on here. Would be a good outlet while keeping me focused on the edits, I think. 
          Long story short, I can still be reached via here, and will likely start posting/skulking the forums more again when I'm through the worst of this part of the phase. =)
          And as always - thanks for the follows!


Aww!! I was planning to read ToTG!! I just never had time :( 
          Well now I wait to see it back on here for me to read


@kerozeo  Yeah, that's what I thought. But still! Can't say enough how much I do like it. =)


@kerozeo ik the cover isn't bad. Just u can't technically use it for publishing. I didn't buy any of the recourses and I don't remeber where I got all of them so it's not for commercial use


@kerozeo Ok, I've got you credited in the summary now. =) And oh, it's not that! I love the cover. But generally, you don't get much choice in what they do with a cover when you're not self-publishing. And sadly, they can choose some pretty strange ones. (This is a lot of assuming on whether it gets picked up by a publisher down the line - I hope it does, but you never know)


          I've taken down TotG now (think I've waited long enough for any possible stragglers to read the first draft's ending)  and will be spending the winter doing the huge revisions it needs while working on the next projects.
          Still debating whether I'll post one of those to Wattpad or not - time will tell. But I will still be somewhat active on here! (I'M NOT DEAD I SWEAR!)
          Been super bogged down the last bit, but working to catch up on beta-reads and just restoring my creative juices, while trying to work out the big plot holes in my favourite incomplete project, D.S. . Because I really do want to work on that while finishing up TotG. They're both like fire and ice. 
          D.S. is all swashbuckling fun, magic, and meet-the-family, political antics.
          TotG is more slice-of-life, philosophical, and introspective,  following a woman on her way up from the bottom and the magic and the past that have crafted her into what she is, and coming to terms with both.
          D.S. definitely has it's serious moments too, but I love it for how it makes fun of itself so frequently. 
          Blah blah blah, I know...
          ANYWAYS, hope you all enjoyed! Will keep you all updated on how the revision and major editing process of TOTG goes and when the submission process eventually starts. =)


          It's finished.
          I'll be posting the final chapters late today/tomorrow (it's 2am - so probably around midnight my time).
          That was harder than I thought it would be.
          It's also quite long, so I'll keep the final "chapter" broken up in the lopsided way I wrote it. First part (40) is just over 5,000 words, (41) is 2500/2600 words, and the Epilogue is about the same. 
          Looking forward to reading reactions to it! It's not perfect or quite true to my vision, but good nonetheless. I hope you all like it as much as I do. 
          I can't wait to start revising it all and straightening out the mess I've made of this draft! =D


Obviously, that last idea didn't pan out. =P
          The final chapters (and epilogue) will be posted in the next couple of days. I'm nearly done, but it was a bit longer than I thought. Pulled a couple all-nighters to get the largest chunk of it done. Just recovering today, and then I'll be doing the final sprint!
          So strange, to be almost at the end... I'm really excited to edit, but still.
          I'm also looking forward to a change of pace, as I'll be returning to an olddddddddddd project of mine after this (DS). Debating whether I'll post it on Wattpad or not. We shall see! Otherwise, I'll post a different work at some point. =)


Chapter 39 is up!
          On a roll.
          Hoping to have final chapters finished tonight and posted together tomorrow at some point. 
          My sleep schedule and my stomach is a MESS right now, so looking forward to be done so I can hibernate for a day or so.