Hi thereee. I felt the need to express my gratitude for what you've inspired me. I am 150% out of the DSMP fandom, and even looking at that content sometimes brings on intense discomfort. But your book inspired me as a young writer who had no idea what he was doing. You would think it would be something, you know, more profound than a Wattpad Wilbur soot fan fiction. But "No need to hide' i think it was called, even if that's the wrong name it's the one where Wilbur had wings or whatever and gets abused, that fic inspired so much within me I can't even. Those few chapters showed how to mix fictional elements with a heartfelt story, something that I had struggled with. Since then I have gone on to make a creative writing project with a select group of writers. And I am writing an entire novel series with a delicate Parthenon, intricate con-langs, and so much world-building that I can't even begin to get into here. That silly little fic has lived rent-free in my brain whenever I am struggling, whether it be with how to describe certain things or how to write characters with wings. It's done so much I can't even describe. I logged onto Wattpad today for the first time in two years and noticed your post. I just had to say thank you. It might not live up to the hype that I have it under in my brain, hence the deletion, but regardless. Thank you.