
@no_suicide Your welcome! I love to follow people that especially follow me. I feel if people put up with my crappy writing and that follow me they deserve so much and all I can give them is follow them and update.


@Awsomeness42 PS sorry for late reply. 


@Awsomeness42 sorry I cannot follow you. I only follow campaign's and projects. 


@Awsomeness42 I haven't read your work but I'm sure you must be a good writer. Never have negative thoughts for yourself. Be positive always. Good will happen. 


Hey yall, this is my old account, same with the crazy fan girl one lol. But I’m trying again to login to this account, but I did make this in middle school at age like 13/14. I’m in my 20’s now and I’m not sure if I can think enough like my 13 year old self to get myself back in. But I’m working on it!


@no_suicide Your welcome! I love to follow people that especially follow me. I feel if people put up with my crappy writing and that follow me they deserve so much and all I can give them is follow them and update.


@Awsomeness42 PS sorry for late reply. 


@Awsomeness42 sorry I cannot follow you. I only follow campaign's and projects. 


@Awsomeness42 I haven't read your work but I'm sure you must be a good writer. Never have negative thoughts for yourself. Be positive always. Good will happen. 


Hi everyone! 2 days until Christmas! I am excited I hope I get a new Ipod so I can update more! Also if you giys follow me and I havent followed you back yet message me! I want to follow all of ya'll back! You can also just message me to talk about something anything! If you need advice you could ask me even though Im me and not very experienced with much I will try! I love you all!


OMFG!!! Okay so I was just recently looking at my stories and I saw how many veiws and votes I have for each. I almost cried when I saw one of my stories with 311 veiws. I love you all so much I dont think you guys really realise what you are doing for me when you vote or just read my stories. Its giving me more and more confidence to actually post whats on my mind, to write a story that may or may not be good. Well I guess what Im trying to say is thankyou and that I love you!


OMG you guys! I am so happy! Okay so I got a message from a few people asking me if I could read their book! Oh my gosh! Of course I will! I will read your story or stories if you want me to just message me and I will be more than happy to! I love you guys!


@Awsomeness42 dumb question have u read any of my books


Dont be afraid to message me! Or comment on any of my stories I would love to know what you think about my writing! Also if you want me to read a story you have written I will try my best to read it because I know I would love for one of my favorite writers here on WattPad to read one of my stories! Love you all and thankyou!