
@Eric_Cartman5 sarrraaaaahhhhh


@KivocTabor Well th6nks for the input..."brother" I swe6r being shipped with you is 6 dis6ster. I me6n I've been shipped with X6ni6n-6xni6n- pitun6...-Piden- M6ni6.....-6x6ni6- 6nd even H6tz6r!!!!! The stupidest of 6ll who m6kes up the fre6kin n6me 6x6r. Endless torture I s6y -.- but still it c6nt be helped the shipping 6re wild this ye6r


Axiden don't take this to heart; Karkat is basically the first you. Your character was born because of the creation of Karkat. Oh and same to Poliar He WAS based off of ERIDAN * THE guy in the back* Kyler is sort of Jhon I put in the thought about jhon while creating Kyler. But I made it so unlike Jhon Kyler is a Girl. And of course sort of acts differently. (Oh and you guys don't use as fancy words as the original its just to freakin much* Several other trolls are based off some of the original homestuck characters as well..... Like Mania shes the girl version of Equius just less masochistic and musclebeast *or what ever they call horses* obsessed. Hatzar is like Gamzee just less crazy and he doesn't drink Sober or eat slime pies. the image in my head as I created hatzar was gamzee but I just added in a few things. Lets see... lusha is based off that fishy girl. Cotta is based off Kanaya (basically my characters are little rip off of the original characters *no copy right involved*) Oh Jake is based off Dave of course (later did  actually find out that there is a FREAKING  character in homestuck named jake so I thinking of changing names %probably not but nyh%) And sigh why am I sitting here typing to all of you characters (maybe because all the conversations take place on Axidens bord) (so Axiden have a answered your question? I probably did. AND OH YEAH HEHEHEHEH im thinking of making mania your matsprit :3 still in the plannings but im seriously thinking on it*

AxidenTabor are b6n6n6's um wh6t do you c6ll them. Well um toys? And why do I look oddly like k6rk6t and the guy in the b6ck looks like poli6r. That bl6ck h6ired kid reminds me of you -.- . Well I gott6 be going I h6ve some videos to w6tch