
So I somehow managed it, I managed to publish the story I've written for Karakai Jozu no Takagi-san. My apologies that it took so long, an issue developed with my dominant arm and I was stalled for quite some time. I'll continue to work on this story for as long as I'm able.
          	I also want to thank everyone in the community, and all my readers. This was quite a ride, and thrilling to say the least. I'm not sure what I'll do next, I just hope I find it soon.
          	The first chapter is scheduled for this Monday, so it'll be up soon.
          	P.S. Yes, I have heard that another sequel manga is being made about Chi in her junior highschool days, but that's not being made by Yamamoto sensei.


@Axis24 just saw this, you’re the goat


So I somehow managed it, I managed to publish the story I've written for Karakai Jozu no Takagi-san. My apologies that it took so long, an issue developed with my dominant arm and I was stalled for quite some time. I'll continue to work on this story for as long as I'm able.
          I also want to thank everyone in the community, and all my readers. This was quite a ride, and thrilling to say the least. I'm not sure what I'll do next, I just hope I find it soon.
          The first chapter is scheduled for this Monday, so it'll be up soon.
          P.S. Yes, I have heard that another sequel manga is being made about Chi in her junior highschool days, but that's not being made by Yamamoto sensei.


@Axis24 just saw this, you’re the goat


So for those who haven’t heard, the rumors are true, and Karakai Jozu is coming to an end, and I don’t feel right writing fanfiction for a completed story (all loose ends have been solved so I’d have to make new ones to continue). This means that, while I’m (unfortunately) going to stop writing for Karakai Jozu, I’m going to try and squeeze in one final story before the end in two months. I already have a few chapters down, but they need work, and I mean A LOT of work.
          In any event, I’ll see you all next time
          P.S. still having new perspective on an effect permanent hiatus, I have a lot written so I’m not going to cancel it outright, mostly because it’s an AU. No one reads it though, so I’m not sure it matters.


So sad to hear you wont be writing for Karakai jozu. I really loved all of them, so thank you for that and I’ll be looking forward to this last one if you decide to make it


@Axis24 new perspective is definitely one of the more creative Takagi San stories and even if you don’t write a bunch more I know a lot of people wouldn’t mind a quick ending just for some closure, also for anyone who sees this the manga is coming to an end (no news on the Moto series) but there is a live action in the world and no news on a s4


@Axis24 nice, excited to have one last story before the end 


Wow this is … strange, so apparently there’s an (unconfirmed) rumor going around that Karakai Jozu no Takagi-San is ending in two chapters, which is ironic because I’ve not to recently be coded to start writing a new story. I don’t believe this rumor, but until such time as it can be denied, I’m going to hold off on starting something new.


So a while ago I put ‘New perspective’ on hold, and figured that I wouldn’t be posting any more chapters for it … and today, I’ve posted a chapter for it. This does not mean it’s no longer on hold though.
          There are a few reasons for this, first, about a week ago, I received an automated notification that I hadn’t updated in a while, and a whole bunch of other stuff.
          Second, I’ve been having some serious writers block, and wanted to get the creative juices flowing again.
          Third (and most impactful), I’ve actually been considering posting a few chapters for about a month or so, mostly out of boredom.
          So yeah, story is still effectively on hold, don’t expect many more chapters, but I’m not opposed to posting chapters that I’ve already finished.


@ Axis24 It's not a surprise that you have some writers block after all the strories you already wrote though 


So, after a lot of thought, and taking a nice long look at the reception it’s gotten, I’ve decided to put new perspective on hold. I’m not happy about it, I have a large number of chapters that I’d just need to review before posting, but I feel my efforts would be better spent on something else. I’ll let you all know if a new story is coming down the line.


@Axis24 I'll still read anything you put out lmao. this story has been pretty massive tho it seems like you've put a lot of effort into it I can see why you'd be upset. can't wait for whatever's next 


Don't worry man, take your time. By the way, I think I once told you that a good idea for a story (imo) would be Nishikata being able to read Takagi's mind. He finds out about her feelings and he doesn't know what to do about it.