
this message may be offensive
Mm, so ah
          	Haha, funny story-
          	I'm deleting m'wattpad again. Some of y'all are annoying fuckers and sorry if that seems a little dickish, but guess what, it's the truth and I'm an asshole.
          	Love y'all, never engage in contact with me ever again.


Hope things go good for you


this message may be offensive
Mm, so ah
          Haha, funny story-
          I'm deleting m'wattpad again. Some of y'all are annoying fuckers and sorry if that seems a little dickish, but guess what, it's the truth and I'm an asshole.
          Love y'all, never engage in contact with me ever again.


Hope things go good for you


I just read your bio, 1 - yay I’m in there
          2- I BITE AND NOT GENTLY IS A MOOD-but also sadism is yes
          3-somethings in the air and it isn’t love, why are you me?
          4- I commented back on a roleplay we had that I forgot existed— and like, honestly wanna cry


@FNAFandSANSSINSisME || Oh-- me??
            I'll check that out after work then :D


I'm really in the mood for some SU roleplay of some sorts- I started binging it for the fifth time and I'm rehooked :0
          Kinda like
          S-Stevonnie bls? I've had so many ideas for it aaaa-
          Or if anyone knows what KnT is hmu


Sure thing, DMs?


@Axolotl-Arts I didn’t know that!!! We could do this if you want!!!!


          Gotta love making an effort to go to work, only to arrive and realize it's a holiday when you're as sick as a dog. Especially on a day where average Floridians are dressing in winter coats.


@Axolotl-Arts || 
            I'm in the hospital now but like
            I can do that when I get back home úwù
            Thank you <3


@Axolotl-Arts || *hugs* Sksksksk go back home, drink some tea, have some hot soup, rest-


—You just can't look at something the same once you've seen it already for the first time. Perhaps that's why some people are depressed. Perhaps that's why the people trying to find something new are deemed as "weird" or "outcast". Some people are content with this cycle, but only because they are not aware to it. They're ignorant of their surroundings and short-minded. They know nothing more than the schedule they so idly follow by, rules laid down to prevent chaos. 
          Does anyone really know what this chaos is they're trying so hard to prevent? I question whether it grants the pain, the strife, the confusion it's rumoured to release if this cycle is broken at the root. But they never mention anything like "freedom" or "liberty", those lies the politics of America spread. Someone once told me that the amount of freedom you have is what you can pay for. That's not freedom. No law equals freedom. It's truly impossible to embrace the concept of freedom in a mortal world. Perhaps, when you're dead, is when one can truly experience freedom, unbound by physical law and the boundaries of the body.
          There's no person who lived to tell the world so, anyways.
          Uhhhhhmm sdhahdbns yeah I'm done.


Hmm... Shower thoughts, cause I took a long ass shower to make my feverish self warmer. Don't mind me as I spiral into early-mid 20's existential crisis.
          One would start off their day with the usual, a schedule set ahead of time to keep themself in order. That schedule usually goes like;
          Wake up, eat something, get ready for work.
          Spend 6-8 hours at work doing the same thing you've been doing for weeks, months, years now.
          Come home, settle down, and do something before concluding your day with dinner, a shower, then bed.
          You've been doing this ever since Pre-school, or Kindergarten. Except back then, each day was something new, something exciting.
          Everything is new for about six seconds before the occurring sets back in, and that new thing is quickly overtaken by something else. We only have the choice to remember that once new thing or let it fade into the white noise you've accumulated up until now in your life, there's no stopping the trend unless you make one yourself.
          But even that is quickly overcome by something newer, something better, something revolutionary. But it's revolutionary for, once again, about six seconds before another replaces it. 
          This grows boring over time. This creativity is repetitive, altered in the slightest way, but still sinks into something I'd call a cycle. A cycle that repeats every time the sun rises. A cycle that brings what yesterday held, and the day before yesterday, and the day before that day, only occasionally breaking for a small event like, what, promotion? Graduation? Holiday or break? 
          It's new for however long it lasts before the cycle starts again.
          The same as before. Repetitive and unchanging.
          That, my friends, is called insanity. But this isn't the type of insanity that mentally ill people are commonly referred to.
          "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results each time,"
          —Albert Einstein


I just had this flashback of when I was in highschool in my Senior year, I was helping one of my older teachers (as she had moved to teaching Freshmen and I had an off block then,) and it was a math subject where this girl from overseas recently moved in. She seemed to be having a issue with her notes as she wasn't understanding the subject, so being the helpful dwarf I am, I go over and help her out.
          So we start talking, and later on I find she's also in my digi arts class, so we talk even more.
          Turns out we're both big roleplaying weebs, and so we spend the next few months geeking out until one day, I notice she's sad. I say, "Gee Shannon, you look extra edgy today." And she replies, "Haha very funny." So I say, "What's bothering you?" And she tells me that she has to move back to her home country because she wasn't supposed to be in the Freshmen year, plus she had one more year back in her old home before she was over and done with school, and I'm like 'What?'
          So I ask, "Oh really? How old are you?"
          "Nineteen." And I swear I couldn't think straight for the rest of the day, I say "Nineteen? Are you /sure/ you are nineteen? Absolutely /certain/?" She laughs and replies "Yep. I have my license in my wallet, wanna see?"
          I just spent a whole five minutes freaking out about that time again, it's not even funny, I was so floored. She looked 14 and everything-


I'm not very comfortable on this website anymore, being honest. That's kinda why I'm like...
          Absent, but not. I've been considering on yeeting it out of my bubble of existence, I haven't quite made up my mind yet though. Sorry to all the people I've roleplayed with or interacted with in any way, this just feels like another burden to think about. Maybe I'll feel better about it in a while but, eh.


If You end up leaving then I hope you've enjoyed your time here and find new places to have fun on. Our roleplays were pretty fun so if you ever want to contact me I can give you my  stuff in PM sometime. 


@Axolotl-Arts || Ay you good fam, if you wanna leave Wattpad we can always chat and stuff on Tumblr ♡