
I've made a decision. I've unfollowed everyone that I was following except for 6 people. Why? Well I'm tired of being generous and following people back when they follow me, then having them unfollow me just so they can get an extra follower without a price. Well guess what? No more of that. The six people that I have not unfollowed are people I know for a fact have never unfollowed me.


I've made a decision. I've unfollowed everyone that I was following except for 6 people. Why? Well I'm tired of being generous and following people back when they follow me, then having them unfollow me just so they can get an extra follower without a price. Well guess what? No more of that. The six people that I have not unfollowed are people I know for a fact have never unfollowed me.


Dont get me wrong, the fact that I have 122 followers is amazing and all, but i do a follow for a follow. Which means I should have the same amount of followers as I am following, or at least close to. But im following 172 people while I only have 122 followers :/ Not trying to sound needy but all im saying is that its a little rude. If thats what your doing to get more followers well its not exaclty the best way. Once in a while, I will wtart unfollowing the people who arent following me back, I dont care if it takes me a whole day.


20 followers?! Dang, someone please tell me whats getting me so popular! I've honeslty never had 20 followers, I usually only have 9 or 8. So this really has me on my toes! Our next goal is 25. I'm not going to saying thirty right now because that would be biting off more than I can chew.
          Anyways, once again, thank you to all of you magnificent unicorns, stay awesome!