I'd like to apologise for the late update. I won't be active here as I usual due to certain things I need to get done but I promise I'll be back around July or August
          	STAY SAFE! 
          	- AAM


Hey guys, I'm not gonna be active until 9th of June.. gotta settle some things over here so I'll be back after the date with an update.. there should be a new update a few days ago but I was having some serious problem with my internet connection so I couldn't post it and I deeply apologise for that.. 
          Anyways, stay safe guys!


Beo listen , I saw the last few chapters of book didn't have much views comments and votes .but I really curse u that if you leave this book uncompleted then you will meet the same creatures . So better complete the book . And also I think you should remove short story from the name of book-Snap! [Short story]