
Hello. I wanted to apologize for the lack of content these past few weeks. A lot happened in my family and I’ve had little to no time for myself. If I can, I will try to publish next week on Friday or the next week. I’m sorry for any inconvenience I have caused and I hope you can understand. 


Hello. I wanted to apologize for the lack of content these past few weeks. A lot happened in my family and I’ve had little to no time for myself. If I can, I will try to publish next week on Friday or the next week. I’m sorry for any inconvenience I have caused and I hope you can understand. 


I’m sorry for not posting last week and I’m sorry to say but I won’t post this week. I’ll see if I can post this Thursday if possible but now that I have a job and work 2-10pm, I don’t get a lot of free time. I’m sorry for the inconvenience and I love you guys.