
Hey author
          I read your story today when i read the first chapter i couldn't stop myself from reading all the chapters in a single day and i really wanted to tell you appreciate you that your story is so amazing i loved it so much. You don't know how much your stories help us it makes us forget all the worries and dive in your story. I was really disturbed mentally and when i read your story the one based on your real love story I felt peace I was relaxed. I can't even explain how good i felt reading it i really really hope that you and your partner stay together always. And i want to thank you for letting us know about your real story.
          Love you


Thank you so much for this  lots of love ❤️ 


Heyy dear Author 
          I'm currently reading your book Priyan and trust me, I've read that book in a loop for idk how many times 
          Thank you for letting us into your world through your words. It’s a gift to be able to experience such a beautiful journey through your eyes. The way you expressed your emotions and painted each moment was simply breathtaking. It felt like I was living the story with you ❤️✨
          Eagerly waiting for the next chapter 


I read this and tears welled up in my eyes... thank you so much... this means the world to me❤️


"Below is the link to the readers' GC (group chat).
          Please, only genuine readers of *Priyan: A Tale of Love* should join the readers' GC." 



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@Ayaruwrites heyy, its not available for me 