
Slowly working on the next chapters on both of my books! I know everyone has been waiting a veryyy long time. Had a seriously long case of writers block. It’s gotten better so I will try writing a little on each of my chapters until I can get the next parts posted :) so sorry for the long wait, I hope I can make up for it once they get posted. As long as I don’t get writers block again I hope to get them posted soon.


Slowly working on the next chapters on both of my books! I know everyone has been waiting a veryyy long time. Had a seriously long case of writers block. It’s gotten better so I will try writing a little on each of my chapters until I can get the next parts posted :) so sorry for the long wait, I hope I can make up for it once they get posted. As long as I don’t get writers block again I hope to get them posted soon.


I'm going to be starting a new book soon, about being abused... the signs, and things to look for...From a recent past experience, I would like to share my story and hopefully help anyone that's going through similar situations and help them see the signs...I wouldn't want anyone to go through what I had to


I'm sorry I haven't been on lately >.< I know I need to start writing again, but I don't know when I will be able to. I'm sure everyone has times where they just can't write, so please just bare with me. I will start writing again soon. I'm not sure when that will be but hopefully things get straighten out. Thank you everyone :) hope you all have a good day 


If anyone would like to promote their fanfictions, oneshots/lemons, love stories or any other story please do so in my Akatsuki book :) I have a chapter dedicated to it. I hope it will help those of you who do, gain followers, views and votes ^^ thank youuu and have a nice day :3 


Hey everyone!! I'm soooo sorry I haven't been writing lately. Hopefully I will be in the mood to write soon. I've been extremely busy the past few weeks, so when I do find a little extra time it's been hard to get into the writing mood. >.< so please forgive me! I hope to be back writing again soon


I'm working on chapter 7 for my story finding where I belong, so It will be out in an hr or two. A little late I know but I've been crazy busy, since I'm probably going to start college soon. Also don't be afraid to message me if you feel like talking ^^ -Ayasha