
Theft of "The Hunted"
          	So at this point the situation is as follows. 
          	After my report of my copyright infringement, wattpad removed the stolen "The Hunted". 
          	From what I've seen, this user's account is still active and still has 3 of the 5 stolen books on it - I'm assuming these are the books the authors didn't report personally. 
          	The remaining books won't be removed until the authors themselves report the violation of their rights, and the profile will not be suspended, even though it's not hard to verify that this user is not the author of these works. Wattpad would sooner suspend an account for a obscene gif or photo or cursing in the comments than for allegedly stealing someone's work. It is sad that by such a policy, Wattpad gives permission to such people to create their profile at the expense of the work of others and steal more works with impunity, but there is nothing more we can do. 
          	Nonetheless, I thank everyone who reported this account. I am glad that my book has already disappeared from this profile. I will keep watching to see if by any chance there will be an attempt to bring it back. 
          	Thank you for all the support ❤️


@Ayashee11 This is so horrible:( Wattpad really needs to block users like this.


Thank god it got removed, but it's still bad for other authors who couldn't report it personally :(


@Ayashee11 we got your back!! after I saw that I had reported that page again 


@Ayashee11 I surely will give all the rightful credits... And if you want me to tag you on any of them, I'll do that... In fact I'll be honoured... Hehehehe... Crazy fan girl kicking inside me... Don't say sorry... I am just so ecstatic you have replied... And you are really sweet... Ily... ❤️


Hey Authornim.... Can I make a reel for your book "Taste of the Ink".... Pretty please....!!!!!


@Ayashee11 hello there Authornim, I have the reel ready... But before posting I want to show it to you cause I have used a bit of few lines in it so I want to make sure it is not a problem... I will post it with all the credits to the lines given to you of course... Is there any way I can send the reel to you via anywhere...??


@sha28418zeel  If it's a trailer or something like that, then there's no problem. You can do it as long as my copyright on the book is preserved. I would be more than happy. All I ask is that you add information about who owns the book. And you don't have to panic, I'm just a regular girl. I always try to respond to my readers, sorry it took me so long this time.  


@Ayashee11 I want to make a reel and trailer like something... I can show you some samples already I've done for books if you want to... And shdhdhdjdudhfhfufhfjfif... You replied.... *I'm having a shdhdhdjdudhfhfufhfjfif panic moment cause goshhhhhhh you are one of my top top favourite writer's...* 
            I have a YouTube channel where I upload the trailers and reels... I do upload them on tiktok and Instagram too... All my channel or Id's username is same as here on wattpad @sha28418zeel... 


I'm reading The Hunted for the four time I guess, not complaining cuz I love it so much. I appreciate your skills so much Author Nim ♥️.
          It will be lovely to get Bonos chapter for it, I'm not rushing you or something just wishing. Be safe and healthy and strong Wherever you are :⁠^⁠)


Tigerlily how are you? You haven't shown up for past weeks! Is everything alright? I have been checking for any notification from you but we know you are going through a tough and rough time.. all we want is your well-being, your safety, your health, be safe and sound.. we'll wait for you huh! Don't look low upon yourself...you are doing great.. hear me? You are just incredibly wonderful... Thank you so much tigerlily.. 
          We love you 
          Fighting huh...


@Taekook0t7 take care of yourself.. we are always there for you even in at your lowest.. and barely holding on..❣️


@Taekook0t7  I'm sorry for such a long wait for a new chapter. I'm sad that I'm letting my readers down. I try to write, but lately, not only do I have little time, but I think I've lost confidence in my own abilities and writing comes much harder. Nevertheless, I don't give up and I appreciate the support immensely.  Thank you for all the love ❤️


Hejka, z ciekawości zapytam. Oglądałxś nowego Kruka, który ostatnio trafił do kin? Jeśli tak to jak odczucia? 
          Ja byłam kilka dni temu i szczerze dość mocno się rozczarowałam. Kruk z Brandonem Lee jednak jest u mnie niezmiennie top1


@andanttae  Hejka. Przepraszam, że dopiero teraz odpisuję. Niestety nie miałam okazji wybrać się do kina na ten film. Byłam ciekawa, co z tego wyszło, chociaż przyznam, że po zwiastunach miałam mieszane uczucia. Już sam wygląd Erica mnie nie przekonał. Jednak taki gotycko-rockowy klimat bardziej mi odpowiadał. Nowy Eric wygląda trochę jak mroczna wersja Jockera z Suicide Squad. Myślę, że Skarsgard to dobry aktor, ale mimo wszystko byłam pewna, że nowa wersja nie przebije Kruka z Brandonem i słyszałam raczej nieprzychylne opinie. 