
Hi guys, I have a new story :) i think it'll be pretty interesting. Let's see how this goes. It would be really really cool if ya'll could check it out ;) and if you don't want to, that's cool too. I hope you're doing okay c: bye bye I love you ❤️


Hi guys, I have a new story :) i think it'll be pretty interesting. Let's see how this goes. It would be really really cool if ya'll could check it out ;) and if you don't want to, that's cool too. I hope you're doing okay c: bye bye I love you ❤️


I just wanted to let you guys knows that I've changed my user from ILOVEPOTATOS13 to AyeItsBrittany__ this is a huge step for me. This account and that name mean a lot to me and all my old stories mean so much, but i needed to do that. To move on and to start over again. Im writing something writing and um its honestly really personal and i hope to publish it soon. I think its really different from everything else and i want to share my thoughts with you all and maybe, you have the same ones. I hope you're all doing well. thank you :)


          My friend just started her first story and I highly suggest you guys check it out! http://www.wattpad.com/107853088-her-life-her-secrets-chapter-1-flashback-10 Its great so far and I hope you all enjoy it! 
          p.s. I don't know if anyone's reading this or if ya'll even look at my messages but if ya do please check her story out. 
          I love you guys, thanks for being awesome :D <3