
I'm still alive and I'm back baby! Don't fold on me yet!


Hello guys!!!! I know I've been MIA for a every long time and I'm deeply sorry. This year has been one of the worst yet exciting years ever. So many changes and things happening and it still isn't over yet. I will definitely get back into writing because it's something I love doing and it helps me make sense of reality. It helps me escape for a moment and it's wonderful. A lot of you guys are probably upset with me and I apologize. I'm back and I'm better and I think it's time I start talking about real life stuff and not just this fantasy this story is wrapped around. Keep a very close eye because I will be updating and I'm not holding anything back. 
          Thank you so much for sticking with me this long and I I hope you will continue to read my stories and give me feedback on what I should work on and what I'm going well and what I should do. Yea, give me suggestions on what you guys want to hear or what you guys want the characters to go through. I'm definitely going to talk about this whole black lives matter movement but is there anything else y'all want to hear? Let me know. 
          Thanks again and I WILL update soon so get ready. Thanks and have a wonderful evening 


Well if you don't know, now you know. I updated a chapter for "Still Adjusting". Sorry again for the long wait and I'll do my best to start updating more with all of the stories. Thanks for reading and have a wonderful day. 


Hello people! I am in the process of updating some chapters. I apologize, it's been FOREVER since I last updated anything. College has been stressful and I'm a very lazy person haah. But because I love writing so much, I'll make myself write more. I promise. I'm not completely sure when I'll put some pages out, so just be on the look out. Thank you so much for sticking with me and not abandoning my stories or me. Good night and be blessed! 


I'm sorry everyone reading one of my stories that I have not updated in a very long time. I'm going to be honest, I have nothing to do really. I'm just being lazy haah. But I will start writing now. Kinda inspired to write haah, plus it keeps my head clear. Be looking out. Thanks