
I am officially back to wattpad and with this account 
          	I didn't stop writing, well I couldn't 
          	It's the only way I can figure out my feelings and how to deal with them 
          	I am more complicated but I can understand me better than before 
          	The stories I wrote back when I was 15 and 16 where what a teenager would feel back then 
          	I am more stable now to fix them leaving the 15yo girl touch and upload them here 
          	I will also share all the last few years work too and finish the ones I started, soo excited to publish Sweet Romance since I worked so hard on it 
          	I will need to work harder and learn about the new stuff that changed here in Wattpad 
          	Also why not learn more about the new writers and talk to the old friends 
          	I missed wattpad and everybody here ❤


I am officially back to wattpad and with this account 
          I didn't stop writing, well I couldn't 
          It's the only way I can figure out my feelings and how to deal with them 
          I am more complicated but I can understand me better than before 
          The stories I wrote back when I was 15 and 16 where what a teenager would feel back then 
          I am more stable now to fix them leaving the 15yo girl touch and upload them here 
          I will also share all the last few years work too and finish the ones I started, soo excited to publish Sweet Romance since I worked so hard on it 
          I will need to work harder and learn about the new stuff that changed here in Wattpad 
          Also why not learn more about the new writers and talk to the old friends 
          I missed wattpad and everybody here ❤


اممم ادري إنه يمكن ماتتذكري ذا الشئ وإنه تتجاهليني بس كنتِ في فترة ما ناشرة تكملة لرواية سيمفونية الشياطين من بنت ثانية ، لو سمحتِ ابغى اقرأها مرة ثانية ، ايش حذفتيها و وين بقدر القاها مرة ثانية ؟ 


@ YEOL_3  في حد عنده الرواية ؟ تبعت سيمفونية الشياطين ... التكملة


          وصفي كان أطول لكن قصرته من مدة ^^
          كنت في محاولات بائسة لأجعله خفيف و نظيف في جملتين 
          لم أفلح حتى xD
          اوتاكو  ♡♡
          My best friend ever is ENFP ♡
          مجعولين لبعض ENFP AND INTJ 
          U R so cute btw ^^ ♡•°~


مرحبا ~قمت بتنزيل رواية تاريخية اتمنى ان شاء الله ان تنال إعجابك ~


@mirayouni العفو أميرتي ❤❤


@Ayoutate  شكرا وحظا موفقا لكي ايضا


هااااي...اشتقتلك كتير.~


@SungAi__j92 في الهم سوا