Hi everyone,
So finally my exams are over PHEW! it was quite a tough time, but just like the rest of you guys, I'm out of it alive.
I'll be back to writing my story to answer your questions, but......
I'm going to unpublish my story and start writing it all over again from Chapter 1, yep that's written from scratch. I feel like I haven't portrayed the main characters in the ways I've wanted to, This decision took me a whole week to get over it and trust me the decision wasn't easy.
The story will change a bit and I hope you guys will love it just as much as I will. The title will remain the same and I will notify you guys if anything changes with this decision.
I actually feel demotivated right now and I would love love love if you guys could encourage me and join me in my journey of writing my first novel.
P.S. Don't forget to follow me.