
          	I have a good news for you all!
          	Aku lagi bagi-bagi voucher gratis untuk 10 orang readers.
          	Khusus untuk pembelian LOVES ON: BOOK 1 and LOVES ON: BOOK 2
          	✨ LOVESALWAYSWIN ✨


          ✨LOVES ON BOOK IS OUT✨
          Hello my beloved readers♥️
          I am very happy to tell you that~
          ✨   . ✨
          I've been trying to collect all of my Love On stories and finally put them together into an e-book that you guys can access.
          No more drama about the stories that suddenly gone~ it will be yours to keep and read for a lifetime.
          I am also aware that some of you might be worried about the price, but no need mate… I already think about the solution.
          I will separate the stories. 5 stories for each book, so there will be more than just one book. I will definitely give you all the information about the book so you guys can make sure which book you want to buy. 
          For those who don't want to buy the book, don't worry.. I will still be uploading each chapter of the book, one by one, here. 
          So you guys can be free to choose ✨✨
          I am very thankful for all of you who already support me by purchasing my stories.. 
          I love you guys all. Always


@Dragoste_tinuoD dibagi jadi beberapa buku cinta. Soalnya kalau dijadikan 1 estimasi harganya terlalu tinggi ❤️✨ but don’t worr… the second book will be out tomorrow and the third will be out next week.. boleh banget di tunggu and you can check which book you want to have. Masing2 akan berisikan 5 cerita atau lebih, tergantung panjang masing2 chapter.


@ Ayuaksara  udh aku cek tp gak full semua judul y kak


@Dragoste_tinuoD You can find it on my KK account, love❤️✨


Guys.. I’ll be uploading Love On again but not here. I’ll be uploading them in my Ka***K***a, and don’t worry.. All remain stories will stay free for all of you to read unless some chapters that already pain in the first place. 
          I’ll inform you again when the stories are uploaded. 
          Thank you so much. 


akun wattpad aku cuman satu cinta. and yes somebody reports the story.. again.. so I'm not going to up them here. If you looking for Love's On story you can check My KK account.. aku up di sana.. don't worry yang memang dari awal free will stay free for you to read. kecuali yang ada tambahan cerita atau yang emang dari awal udh berbayar. Thank you~


@Ayuaksara ka ini wtpad kaka yg lain emang udah gk ada d akun ini ya???


Aq baru baca cerita2nya. Menurut aq keren2 pst sblmnya bnyak d post. Pas aq baca postingan pedan ternyata crta km bnyak d banned watty yah.. 
          Cba buka flatfom lain .. tp menurt aq tulisan km gk fatal2 bnget yg hrus smpe di banned yah. Km semangat nulisnya. Jangan patah semangat..


Next Chapetrnya Cakra-Sesa tu kok kayaknya keras banget ya scenenya. banyak konten yang 'keras' karena.. ya tau lahhh Cakra kayak apa :'))) kalau mau tak bikin agak lembut feelnya ilanggg
          Hmn... kucoba tapi kalau kena banned yaudah lah ya.. gak aku up lagi.. soalnya emang.. hmnnn. :))))