
Hey, hey, everyone!!! Most of you who will be reading this most likely know me for my rather successful Saiouma Fanfic "Forbidden Love", which I wrote three years ago. I just wanted to say that I've started taking fanfic commissions. Basically you tell me what series/movie/etc you want your fanfic to be based on, the characters involved, the plot and tropes you wish to include, amongst other things.
          	I have a tiktok account if anyone is intrigued. Even though it's in Spanish, I can always translate it if needed. The payment is through paypal.
          	If interested, please do contact me.
          	Thank you for your attention! Have a lovely 2024!


Hey, hey, everyone!!! Most of you who will be reading this most likely know me for my rather successful Saiouma Fanfic "Forbidden Love", which I wrote three years ago. I just wanted to say that I've started taking fanfic commissions. Basically you tell me what series/movie/etc you want your fanfic to be based on, the characters involved, the plot and tropes you wish to include, amongst other things.
          I have a tiktok account if anyone is intrigued. Even though it's in Spanish, I can always translate it if needed. The payment is through paypal.
          If interested, please do contact me.
          Thank you for your attention! Have a lovely 2024!


I really doubt people will read this, since it's been like two years since I finished the Saiouma fic, but I'm bored.
          I still come back once in a while to read your amazing comments, they always manage to make me laugh. I've also been rereading some parts and trying to modify some cringy stuff I came across...yeah, sometimes a get extremely embarrassed at my own story 
          My English has improved, thus, I'm fixing some (pretty bashful) mistakes I found lmao. (I actually found a lot but I'm too lazy to correct them all)
          Anyway, I'm aware there are people who still read the story, so I wanted to thank those who gave the fic a go for doing so! Hope u enjoy it
          And of coooourse I won't waste the opportunity to promote my ao3 account 'Simpyyy'. I'll be posting some fics there very soon.
          Well, that's all, I'm going back to my grave now. Love y'all  <3


@Ayumixdxd hope you have an awesome 2023 too! :)


@candykos aww tysm!!! Hope u have an amazing 2023


@Ayumixdxd ur writing is so amazing one of the best fanfics I’ve read :D


I deeply apligize for evryone and the writer who have seen the comment sextion we roleplayed in..  i hope you are all still sane and alive uh...   yeah if you like want to bleach youre eyes uh..-  i dont realy have bleach rn but uh ye  go vuy some


@ Cherybon  you wount understand (T-T)


@ Ayumixdxd  IDK I JUST FOLLOWED ALONG (ಥ﹏ಥ)


eep congrats on all your sucess and i wish u to get more! i loved the saiouma book it was very well written, it has everything one should hope for in a great writing, nothing too cliche, nothing too predictable, and the just right amount of angst! i wish to see more work of yours in the future as i adore your writing, have an amazing day!!


@ eviesworld_101  omg I'm so sorry for the late reply but tysm <3
            This comment really made my day and I'm so glad u enjoyed the story, hope u have a very nice day as well


Hi guys! This is nothing important so you can stop reading right here, i just feel the need to thank y'all. My first fanfic "Forbidden love" has been getting a lot of appreciation and very nice comments lately and it warms my heart to know that you enjoyed it. I mean, almost 6k reads?! I literally never, EVER thought it would get that far. It's also 14th in the lgtb tag, i still don't know how it got there but I'm happy nonetheless. Anyway, again, thank u all SO much for the votes, comments, reads and subscriptions. I love y'all