
Not officially announced earlier so I might as well, I'll start writing again(at least until school hits). I'll mostly focus on Twisted Ethos as I have a clearer picture of the narrative compared to Darkest Night, might release a new fic and a new chap on Fuckery(no guarantees). Good to be back.


Welcome back 


Not officially announced earlier so I might as well, I'll start writing again(at least until school hits). I'll mostly focus on Twisted Ethos as I have a clearer picture of the narrative compared to Darkest Night, might release a new fic and a new chap on Fuckery(no guarantees). Good to be back.


Welcome back 


I know that I've never updated that much over the last period of months, but I would want to announce that I will be taking a hiatus, school eats up my time rn and I just wanna focus on my acads for now. DW this won't mean that I'll be quitting entirely and I would still be working a bit on both of my fics. I don't want to promise this, but as soon as I return I will try to release the chapters I'v worked on in the background. Well that's about it.


@ AzarothVII  okay buddy. Have a good time here, take care of yourself and this things, we'll wait for your return 


@AzarothVII All good mate, got to take care of important stuff like that. We'll be waiting for your return. good luck on your endeavours 


Ever thought of posting a bit in the subreddit? 
          Just post a few of the first chapters with a bit of touching up and you'd get a lot of publicity. I was thinking of posting a link to the subreddit but I found it more appropriate for you to post it yourself as you're the author of the fanfic and all that.
          Anyways goodluck and quality content so far! 


@AidanArmageddon hmmmm, I kinda want to try it I'll see to it. Thank you btw