
Anyway, amidst the pandemic right now, I hope every one of you guys stay safe and practice social distancing.
          	I'm sure we can all get through it.
          	I know some of you may be struggling right now and I can't help you guys except offer a place for comfort.
          	If you ever need to let anything out, please DM me. I'm more than happy to hear you out.
          	Again, stay safe and stay healthy. See you all when this all blows over.


Ok thank you for the advice. It’s very helpful and true.


Anyway, amidst the pandemic right now, I hope every one of you guys stay safe and practice social distancing.
          I'm sure we can all get through it.
          I know some of you may be struggling right now and I can't help you guys except offer a place for comfort.
          If you ever need to let anything out, please DM me. I'm more than happy to hear you out.
          Again, stay safe and stay healthy. See you all when this all blows over.


Ok thank you for the advice. It’s very helpful and true.


Sometimes I look back on the little author notes I used to make.
          Every little thing would make me excited back then. I initally cringed at those notes but now, I kinda wish I got that excitement back.
          I don't know why, but writing has stopped being enjoyable for me for a while now. I always write these days just so I wouldn't lose touch and even then it doesn't feel like I'm ever improving.
          Yeah, this is a bit of a TMI but I just felt like I need to let it out somewhere. 


It's probably a habit for you guys to see this after months and months of silence...
          But I can't do this anymore.
          Yes, I love Pokemon. Yes, I love Haikyuu. But I no longer feel like I can write about them. It's difficult and I have been trying.
          I will not be surprised if you guys leave after this. Honestly, I'm surprised people haven't left yet.
          I know it's probably normal for you to see this. But I think this is the last time I'll ever say this. I can try to update the remaining stories, but don't expect any new stories anytime soon.
          Maybe new stories from a different fandom or just original works may pop up. When that happens, maybe I'll get the love I have for writing stories back.
          I am actively writing stories in my own time, but I don't know if it's a good idea. Meanwhile, I'll continue to do that and post them on a separate account. I don't want them to flood you guys anyway. 
          Reading your comments and feedback always make me smile, because I know someone out there took the time to read it.
          I'm sorry I always make these kinds of announcements but I assure you this is the last of its kind. Thank you for supporting me so far and being there when I needed you guys most.
          See you next time.


            Kind of late but you do what you love. Follow your heart. Don’t force yourself to do things you don’t like. If you’re not motivated, call in a hiatus. Take a break. Move onto something else for a while. Someday, that feeling of motivation will come back within the snap of a finger. Whether you saw something interesting irl and you wanna mood that into your story. Aside from that, stay safe, stay healthy, and stay hydrated. Because everyone here reading this, including me and you, will get through this. There were times where everyone panicked like the Ebola outbreak years ago, or even the fear of WW3 coming at the start of 2020 but it never came. So, just keep your head on a swivel because  at the end of the day, you’ll make it. And remember, the best way to have a good time is to have fun. 


**I don't know if it's a good idea to post them here.


It's actually been such a long time, is anyone even there anymore?
          If you guys see this announcement, please spare a few seconds just to type a reply. It would be really appreciated. :)


@toxicfoxy101 Thank you! I hope you're doing fine too! :)


@ZYfireiceninja Doing pretty good! It's good to know that you guys are still here! (And yes I am a girl so don't worry haha)


Alrighty I'm back and hopefully better than ever. 2019 went by in the blink of an eye and I think I am finally ready to come back to writing. Again, I'm still wondering if I should post my other stories I've written over the year but that's a conversation for another time.
          As of right now, my goal is to get a chapter of Uncrowned King out by today, and I'm hoping you guys would read it!
          I'm really sorry about the random hiatus I keep taking time and time again, but I am trying to fix that. However, I have to seek your understanding since next year will be a particularly busy and important year for me. These kinds of hiatus may continue and I could only hope that you guys would forgive me for them.
          That aside, I look forward to writing for the next month or so! Thanks for being so patient guys! See you in the next chapter of Uncrowned King! :)