I didn't really paid any attention to how many views I have on my stories. But when I did... Boy am I surprised.
Who would've thought I could write something that others enjoy?
I didn't really paid any attention to how many views I have on my stories. But when I did... Boy am I surprised.
Who would've thought I could write something that others enjoy?
It seems like the update must be delayed again...
Exams... Hiks... I don't wanna do any exam...
If you don't mind waiting, i will publish the update and a new story all together after i finish my exam...
Well, thats all i can say for now-
I'm sorry everyone, i think i won't be able to update my story next week.. I'll try my best to update at Saturday or sooner, but I can't promise, my schedule is quite packed afterall.
Once again, I'm sorry- I hope all of you understand..
@Azuredawnstar biasa kalo nih akun mah
Ngajak gelud trs. Udh ga ngerasa jadi author, eh minta penulis biar cepetan update. Pdhl kita sebagai author sibuk.
Dan dia, ga ngerti bahasa lain selain b Indo. Udah dikasih tau di akun luar negeri kalo itu org luar, eh tetap ngotot minta update pake bahasa Indonesia. Beruntung itu Malaysia. Jadi masih ngerti dikit.
Gajelas nih akun
@TjhiaSukling1 santai santaii ku perlu mengumpulkan dan menyusun kalimat dengan benar duluu. Trus, Sekolah, pr dan ulangan tak membantu.
Tapi kan ku coba update sesegera mungkin. Tapi sepertinya minggu ini belum bisa, mungkin senin. Minggu ini sibuk sekali, plus ada ulangan besok.
Makasih ya buat mau mbaca cerita saya. Dan maaf soalnya updatenya relatif tak berjadwal..