Hello everyone! Sorry for being so inactive, I've been trying to improve my writing and I've just been really trying to figure things out about myself and what I really want to do. I'm hoping to take down my current stories, one by one, and redo them (I've been looking back at them recently and I've realized how badly written and flawed they are and I want to improve them). I also plan to write some new stories, one of them hopefully containing Unknown and more of my OCs. These past few months I've been really looking at myself and what I've done. At the time of first writing these stories, I was happy and proud of what I had done, but now they seem very mediocre, childish and poorly written. Rereading the stories, I even cringed, and might I add cringed very badly, at them. I know this is all part of the learning and growing process and I'm glad that I improved so that I can make my works a lot better and interesting. Thank you to everyone who supported all of the original works and I wish that, as I redo them and create more content, you all enjoy it and I grow even more from this. I love watching my own and others' characters and worlds grow and flourish, which is why I wish to do my own creations justice by improving them. Sorry for rambling so much but I do appreciate all the support and feedback everyone gives and I wish everyone the best on their wondrous writing journeys! Lots of love~♡☆