
Hello, StarSeekers! The next chapter of TSMGO has been posted! Conner gets to see the cafe in action! What will today's work bring, I wonder  Comment, vote, and share if you're enjoying it so far! I'll see you all next update ✨


Hello, StarSeekers! The next chapter of TSMGO has been posted! Conner gets to see the cafe in action! What will today's work bring, I wonder  Comment, vote, and share if you're enjoying it so far! I'll see you all next update ✨


Happy New Year, StarSeekers!! What are some of your New Year goals you want to accomplish in 2025? One of mine is to keep writing, duh! But to be specific, finish the first draft of a novel series I plan to traditionally publish. I wish everyone all the best for this coming year!
          Oh, and I decided to start a LITTLE bit earlier than the weekends (it's close enough to the weekends!), so chapter 1 of TSMGO is finally up! I will be cross-posting this story, as well as SoML, over in my Inkitt profile under the same name, so if you do prefer to read my stories on there, that's completely fine with me. That's all for my short announcements, don't forget to comment, vote, and/or share my stories! Those mean a lot and help me out a lot in terms of discovery. Here's to a successful 2025 with you all, cheers!


Hello StarSeekers! Wishing you all a wonderful Christmas and happy holidays ✨✨
          I know I said I'd start posting in the new year/the eve of the new year, but I thought I'd at least get started with posting the introductory things starting this Christmas. The Author's Note is now posted to give some hype and insight to the story. I will be sharing a complimentary playlist for the story soon after this announcement, so please stay tuned for that!
          Thank you all again for the patience and support, and I hope you all have a lovely last few days before we enter the new year!


Hello StarSeekers, and happy December! I know I've said in my previous announcement that my new story will drop this month, but after some more thinking and planning, I thought it would be best to start posting at the start of the new year (or at least by New Year's Eve) to kickstart 2025 with a fresh story.
          However! I will be preparing the cover, some introductory stuff (*maybe* some banners or aesthetics? Not sure about it yet!) and even a playlist to go with the story within the month so the wait won't feel too long for those interested.
          For my current progress, I have about 6-7 more chapters to write before it's complete so not much left before it's done. To give some more info about it, the story is set in the same universe as my main novel SoML, and it's gonna have both fantasy AND romance themes so I hope you look forward to that! Fair warning though, I am not the most experienced with writing romances, but I'm reading a few works of some people I follow (you should check them out in my reading lists!) to get more of that romance feel written into my story.
          Anyways, hopefully I can reveal the cover and other supplementary things on or before Christmas comes around so you guys can get to know more about the story and characters before I start posting a few weeks after that time. That's all for now. Thank you all again for the patience, support, and comments! I'm really excited to share my next story with you all, so stayed tuned!
          (P.S. the abbreviation for this story is TSMGO ! Think you can guess what it means before I reveal the title and cover?)


@Azuriko_Kito So a broad question, how to manage your creative process? What do you do when you get stuck in a creative slump and what helps?


@red_sky97 No problem! Happy to help : D


@red_sky97 I take breaks too during slumps but I never considered consuming similar media to gather ideas. Something new to try, thank you :)


@red_sky97 Hi there! Currently, I am busy with personal responsibilities outside of writing, so I don't have much of a problem with being in a slump. When I do find myself stuck, though, my go-to strategies are taking a break or a step back from my work, trying to find different angles that the story can go, and looking at the current scene I'm writing through a character's eyes. If those don't work well, then I'd usually end up consuming any form of media (music, shows, movies, other books) that are similar to my genre or story to help spark some interesting ideas. Though none of these are necessarily guaranteed to work, I hope they help you if you ever find yourself stuck with your stories! Good luck with them ✨


Good morning/afternoon/evening StarSeekers! It's around half of November, and it's time I made a few announcements about my upcoming story + other things just to let you all know I'm still active and writing xD
          For my latest story, it's still only about halfway written offline. It's a novelette/short story (not quite sure how long it'll turn out by the ending, honestly) that takes place in the same universe as my main novel Slice of magic Life. I hope that even without reading the novel, this story can still be enjoyed when I begin posting. Speaking of, I will hopefully start posting it by December or around Christmas time so I hope you all look forward to it! I'll drop the title in a separate announcement later on. The only thing I can tell you about it is that it's not just fantasy this time ; )
          Besides that, I will be posting my short story Let It Out's slightly more polished and smoother version in the next few weeks. I hope your reread/first time read will be memorable for this one : D
          Lastly, if anyone is reading my fanfic (which I highly doubt ) I just wanted to let you know that it will be my next target to write for and complete after I finish this upcoming novelette so please don't lose hope!
          That's all for this announcement, thank you all for reading if you got this far, and I'll see you all in the next one ❤️


@Azuriko_Kito I'm so glad you're back ❤️