@Mixed_Artist Hiya! How are you? How is your day or night going? Can I just say your pictures on wattpad, profile wise are absolutely gorgeous????:) Sorry if that was weird but I admire art:) Anyways, do you possibly think you could check out one of my stories? I have two besides the one for my cover contest. Who I really am which is currently being edited and my newest Creatures of the deep! Maybe if you enjoy leave behind a comment, a vote, feedback, etc?? I would just so much so appreciate it as I am one who is wanting to and trying to grow in this community. Please and thank you!:$

@Mixed_Artist Thank you so much!:) I'm so sorry... I have been praying for all of those who has been hit. It is just awful

@HopelessRomantic_97 I just got my electricity and service back after Hurricane Irma, but I'll be sure to read your book when I have time. I'm sure it'll be great!!