"Writing is more than just words on a piece of paper, but a world you can only imagine coming to life. It is life changing for those with a true passion, and it takes dedication and the will to commit yourself to your pen and paper. I like to consider myself married to my characters." - Jade

"The first draft of everything is shit." - Ernest Hemingway

"The more I want to get something done, the less I call it work." - Richard Bach

OWNERS: Jade, Moody, & Elarna ✿

We own this account together as well all enjoy writing and the creativity that comes with it.

Writing has became my day to day life. Even when I'm not writing, I think about new ideas. I eat, breathe, and sleep writing and aspire to be a published author. - Jade

I may dream ideas and I may go of into a world of my own thoughts. Yet the only way to share this is through writing, through writing my imagination comes to life. -Elarna

Our personal accounts:

Jade's: who-the-fluff

Moody's: 3Maximus

Elarna's: Elarnaxx
  • JoinedMay 3, 2014
