little sneak peak, if I finish it and post it.
          	Steve started the “Eddie Munson and Gareth Emerson are homos in love” rumor, any touch he couldn't have, he didn't like. Was it wrong to use his popularity to bring others down? Yes, did he regret it? Yes, did he push those feelings or regret away so he didn't have to feel it? Also yes.
          	All yes.
          	Did he like Eddie Munson? Maybe.


little sneak peak, if I finish it and post it.
          Steve started the “Eddie Munson and Gareth Emerson are homos in love” rumor, any touch he couldn't have, he didn't like. Was it wrong to use his popularity to bring others down? Yes, did he regret it? Yes, did he push those feelings or regret away so he didn't have to feel it? Also yes.
          All yes.
          Did he like Eddie Munson? Maybe.


Thanks for the comments sweet pea. I was just looking through your account (stalkerish ik) and I just wanted to make sure you’re okay?
          I also wanted to let you know that you can talk to me if you need, I’ll listen to your vents or offer advice or whatever. (My insta is @/oliver.chaseee) if that’s easier for you :))
          Have a great day!!


this message may be offensive
in all seriousness, well as Serious as I can be, I'm not ok, everyone hates touch, it's not there fault, and I respect it, but I want touch so bad, I want someone who will fucking touch me so much that even I dont want it. I wanna something no one gives a shit, I have a therapist, but mu mother threatens me if I say to much, I wanna fuckin' cut my arms off but I'm to scared to even make a cut, I'm a stupid excuse for a human.


          So I was like, talking to my friend, she's so amazing, but we were talking about our brothers, she has a drug addict older brother, I made sure she was ok, she was, and out of literally nowhere she says “Be happy you have a annoying brother and not a drug addict one” she said, but I never said anything to say she didn't have it bad, I never brought up my brother in a bad way while we were talking, idk why but my smile faded.
          I wanted to reply saying for her to shut up because my brother isn't just fuckin' annoying he's abusive, he hits me as hard as possible, he always trys to get me to show him my boobs, pussy, whatever, I can't use the bathroom without him kicking the door open and looking at me, and I can't get up mid piss, he tried to kill me many times over not closing doors by accident, dropping something, looking at the tv, whatever. And their is much more.
          Idk, it just hurt, should I tell her how her statement on my brother and how he is to me made me feel?