
Hey Krista, I loved your book "Not all Blondes do Back Flips" - it is absolutely hilarious. I will be waiting eagerly for updates :)


Hi guys sorry to bother you but I just published my first complete book Dear You. It is about three different people whose lives get intertwined as they make their way through it. Check it out :))


Hi! I just wanted to pop by and say thank you for following me! I really hope you enjoy my book if you get the chance to read it. It’s a contemporary romance called Just Press Send. If you ever want to chat please message me or comment on my book– I love to talk about reading or writing! Have a great rest of your day!


@NikkiPierceBooks I read just press send and loved it (that's actually what got me following you)


Wow, you have an eye for details. You saw my plot twist in The Monarch. ;) So happy someone is paying attention to my stories in such details.  Hope it is not too predictible.  Xoxo


Thank you. No, the story is not at all predictable. While I can make such guesses, I am still not sure how you plan to wrap it all up ☺


Dear Divya,
          Thanks for the follow, and a special thanks for adding FINDING MIRANDA to your list of books you like well enough to recommend.  That's just about the highest compliment you can give a writer.
          I'm happy to meet a new Wattpad friend, and I hope we'll become better acquainted as we trade comments over time.


@IrisChacon2 my pleasure. I really liked all your completed books.


hi divya thanks for checking out love y Lucha.  If you're reading on the wattpad app I think it's fairly easy to insert a comment near the text so if there's a term you need defined that might be easier for you. who knows, it may help other readers as well! Thanks for your input.


@B00kL05er sounds good. Hope you enjoyed it.


@KRRodriguez I just finished reading the story. I was reading on the browser which was why I didn't add comments in line and just googled to understand the terms I didn't.  I will read the story again on the app some time soon to put I  the clarification requests