
hola everyone! - bo here, I just wanted to make you all very aware that Ravenclaw Captain will be moved to my personal wattpad (in the bio), so any new chapters will be released there (plus the ocs will be getting an upgrade :P). thank you all for reading along on here for as long as you have but I think it's time that the story I created is moved onto my personal. any questions, drop them in the comments and i'll try and get around to them as soon as possible. it has been amazing to have the story on this shared account but, this account really isn't a place for single-creator content.


just so everyone is aware as well - it may take a little bit to transfer everything over there but, it will all be up soon enough <3 - bo


hola everyone! - bo here, I just wanted to make you all very aware that Ravenclaw Captain will be moved to my personal wattpad (in the bio), so any new chapters will be released there (plus the ocs will be getting an upgrade :P). thank you all for reading along on here for as long as you have but I think it's time that the story I created is moved onto my personal. any questions, drop them in the comments and i'll try and get around to them as soon as possible. it has been amazing to have the story on this shared account but, this account really isn't a place for single-creator content.


just so everyone is aware as well - it may take a little bit to transfer everything over there but, it will all be up soon enough <3 - bo