
Am i the only one who cant use the comment notifacations anymore? Like, someone be replying to my comment and i cant ckmment back cause ion wven remember wtf i was talking about and i cant check cause it dont take be t9 the comment when i 0ress on ot it just says 'An UnExPeCtEd ErRoR oCcUrEd' and i tried deleteing and reinstalling and it still does it like  wattpad just let me talk to people damn i cant talk to ppl like this irl cause that be hella awkward 


@ima_haikyuu_simp that happens to me too, but i find that if you click it, let it show the error thing, go back to the notification and click it again it works 


Ahh im sorry I didn’t mean to be rude I just wanted to let you know before so no one would be rude to you 


You’re welcome I found it out this year too and I saw all the hate someone got for saying it and not knowing it


@oikawa_toro no no its okay haha i didnt know it was a slur so thank you for telling me 


Am i the only one who cant use the comment notifacations anymore? Like, someone be replying to my comment and i cant ckmment back cause ion wven remember wtf i was talking about and i cant check cause it dont take be t9 the comment when i 0ress on ot it just says 'An UnExPeCtEd ErRoR oCcUrEd' and i tried deleteing and reinstalling and it still does it like  wattpad just let me talk to people damn i cant talk to ppl like this irl cause that be hella awkward 


@ima_haikyuu_simp that happens to me too, but i find that if you click it, let it show the error thing, go back to the notification and click it again it works 