
this message may be offensive
My throat hurts so fucking much- I hope this is just my allergies cause I donot want to be sick especially when one of my classes is a class I can't skip or I'll be confused the next day and I also have a project for science soon- I hate sore throats, it hurts so bad


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My throat hurts so fucking much- I hope this is just my allergies cause I donot want to be sick especially when one of my classes is a class I can't skip or I'll be confused the next day and I also have a project for science soon- I hate sore throats, it hurts so bad


I just drank Hawaiian punch that was left out for months- it didn't look moldy and it smelt fine but I'm still worried now- ya'll donot go to Google when your worrying, it makes you panic way more. Anyways I'll update later if I'm still okay or not!


I really cannot stop getting hurt- I just fell while I was walking home from the bus stop. I am home currently right now but am in pain
           I think I scraped my knee, it really hurts. 


@B10od_M0on Harvest Creation : *Hugs @B10od_M0on.* You need a hug.
            I agree with Harvest Creation. You need more then one hug though. You need ALL THE HUGS.
            *Proceeds to teleport to where you live and hug you.*
            ((Can't do that in IRL so my Wattpad self shall do it for me.))


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          I almost punched my brother today. He's a fucking selfish asshole. I went with my mom to go pick him up from his job. All she told him is she has to work in his room tomorrow for only 2 hours to which he got all pissy and bitchy. I understand he's dealing with alot but there's no need for that. No fucking need. I got involved and got told I'm too young to understand and I don't understand. I am 17 years old. He left when I was 12-13 years old and I was the one helping around the house. I had the pressure put on me when he left. I ain't trying to act selfish myself and I apologize if I sound that way but I'm so pissed at him. Everyone in my family is in pain and hurting. He's pissed he has to sleep on the couch which I understand but my dad also sleeps there too and I often do at times aswell to let my dad sleep in my room so he can get sleep for work (which I do out of my own free will and he doesn't even ask). My brother claims he's an adult and he's 'grown up' but he acts like a selfish little kid. He says we inconvenience him but he inconveniences everyone else. That my parents and grandma have to drive him everyday to work and he rarely ever gives them gas money. He bitches when he's asked to help around the house or asked to help with bills. I almost punched him while arguing with his stubborn selfish ass. I fucking hate him. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him. He acts like he's the only one in pain and the only one suffering. I sometimes wish I had a different brother who was nicer and not a selfish jerk. Thank you for anyone who read my long ass rant, I just needed to talk about this. Have a good day/night.


Was noone gonna tell me that capcut is gonna be affected by the tiktok ban too?! Like that's literally the only editing app I use! Bro I'm so pissed off right now


@MoonyDrop_TheGay I know! I just found out last night! Apparently most apps made by the same creator of tiktok are gonna be affected which includes capcut which I for the longest time didn't know it was made by the same creator of tiktok


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Bro i just created my Lumini ship child Lumen like last month and I already gave him so much lore- I'm gonna make a oc book at some point and maybe put his lore down in there along with my many other ocs lores (I have a problem, I make too many damn ocs man- half of them I've either abandoned, don't use anymore or just forgot about-)