
I'm back. 


@B17E0F87 guess I was woing HAHA! I found it don't you worry your toosh. Please continue!


@B17E0F87 please write more for the powerful jersey rat, I really liked it. By the by, it's missing a chapter.


I'm back. 


@B17E0F87 guess I was woing HAHA! I found it don't you worry your toosh. Please continue!


@B17E0F87 please write more for the powerful jersey rat, I really liked it. By the by, it's missing a chapter.


That's it. I can't f***ing take this anymore.
          I'm deleting the lemons. 
          I'm deleting Mr. Hopps.
          I'm deleting Flowey X Sunny. 
          I CANNOT DO THIS ANYMORE. It isn't who I am. It's not something I'm comfortable with. It's not what I want to be known for. 
          Come Monday, they're disappearing. So enjoy them while you can. Because I don't need my Gmail filling up with your comments. It's just a painful reminder of a past sin. 
          Please, for the love of everything, please just read more of my better books instead guys. 


@B17E0F87 I can understand


@RonaldRoy9 Thank you for being so understanding. I figured a lot of folks would be awfully mad at me, but I don't want recognition for the wrong things, you know?


@B17E0F87 I sorry this is happening to you you don’t deserve that


When you feel like finishing the dark deception headcannons Can you DO Malak,Bierce,and Maybe Clown gremlin next?


@Axinclown Sure. I'm just kind of focusing on other things right now. But Clown Gremlin wouldn't be a bad idea. 


I don't know if I can do this anymore. 
          It was fun getting reactions out of people from my more...questionable stories. But now I'm starting to wonder if it was really worth it. It's not because of writer's block. It's not because of how few people actually do read it. It's not even because I've fallen out of a few fandoms. 
          It's because I feel bad making them. When I first created them, I was laughing to myself and thinking, "Oh, yeah. This should rile some people up." Later on, however, I started feeling...regret? I'm not sure if that's the right word or not. In either case, I want to write legitimately GOOD stories. No swearing, no sex. 
          Maybe at the time it was just a way of blowing off steam. I'm honestly kind of surprised the stories I wrote got any sort of attention at all. But now, I don't want to get attention for the wrong reasons. 
          You're welcome to keep reading that trashy Undertale X PVZ fanfic if you like, or those stupid Mr. Hopp stories. I don't plan on taking them down any time soon, because I worked pretty hard on them. However, I want to work on bigger, better things. Like Salvage, for instance. I'm glad people like my FNAF stories. And I also wanted to post some serious stories as well. 
          So that's all I have to say for now.