
Dear all my fans I am sorry to say but I feel no one reads my books so I am not going to write anymore chapters until I get some comments on my books. 
          	Sincerely B1rchie. 


Hey to all my fans who love hunger games and like to write about it. I would like to ask who thinks Peeta mellark and Delly Cartwright should fall inlove, if so please send me back a message and i'll make it happen. I would also like to ask if anyone is willing enough to write their own book based on this idea if possible please notify. I would love to hear some ideas aswell. Luv u all. thanks


Sorry guys its my Dad's birthday today and I didn't update we were out all day, my computer is at my mums and I have homework that is more of a priority I feel really guilty cause I said I would update but it is physically impossible sorry