Besides certain ships, does anyone ever read something in a fanfic/comics that makes them stop reading the thing immediately? For me, it's when Sans and Gaster are father and son. Like, I don't mind a few funny dadster jokes, but it just feels weird in serious situations.

@AnxiousAxolotl9omg EXACTLY! I mean, there can still be plenty of angst in an x-reader story when the reader HAS PARENTS. And while everyone LOVES the "quirky shy girl", stories are a lot funnier when the reader is outgoing or silly or stupid or a smartass! Smartasses are hilarious and get into all sorts of trouble! And trouble=plot/side plots! So making the reader a bit mischievous or having a big mouth can actually HELP THE STORY and KEEP THE READERS HOOKED, y'know?

@B1tchy_Pancake when they add Y/n and ship them with a character from an anime. I mean not all Y/n stories are bad but just the ones where the authors are like "Y/N is a lonely teenage girl with abusive/dead parents and is in love with Dabi but is too shy to tell them". you know, that kind of y/n.