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[Some more angsty quotes that could be used, not RP again]
          	"This constant fucking- this, I don't even know! I just- I.. I don't want to hurt you, Alastor.. and it's driving me fucking insane."


"Six limbs" Baxter counted, poking at him "That is not realistic at all!"


            He looked even more confused, poking the sinner in the chest with his apple cane. "Get back." He snapped, inching him back. "You're in hell, nothing is scientific here." 


            "Seven" he corrected, crossing his arms and hopping back with a huff "You have seven limbs, it is not scientifically possible!"


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            "Excuse me?" The king glared and stepped away. He smacked the other's hand. "Don't touch me. What the fuck are you talking about?" 


Alastor physically could not do this anymore. His every waking moments were being consumed by thoughts of.. him. Granted, Lucifer had done him the favor of leaving him alone for a good while but even with his absence the king was all he could think about. It was driving him to madness, he was sure of it. How could Lucifer just- live with himself after what happened? 
          No snarky comments, no hurting him, he just walked away like it was nothing at all! Alastor paced around his room for a solid few minutes before deciding, screw it, and manifesting himself into the king's palace. "Lucifer! I know you're here, you better show yourself right now!" He shouted, immediately seeking him out like a madman.


            His ears immediately went down when he was pulled closer. "I can't help but feel like this little game we play is getting too serious.. I just- I can't figure you out, what you want from me. It's driving me crazy." He seemed to search Lucifer's face for any sign that would give him an answer. "What do I have to do to get you out of my head?"


            "Alastor.. I've told you a thousand times." He sighed, rubbing his face. "You're the greatest entertainment I've gotten in a long time. You fight, but you know exactly when to surrender and pick back up again. Of course I wouldn't want to get rid of you, and I truly dread the day where you tread too far, and I have to get rid of you." He grabbed the front of Alastor's suit to pull him down, reaching up to pet his ears. "You truly are so fun to play with." 


            (REEE I MISSED THEM)
            Alastor was in awe of how in denial Lucifer appeared to be about this. Of course he would be. "Well it seemed like you were pretty willing at the time! You can't tell me it doesn't mess with you.. that it doesn't sit in the back of your mind. Maybe I'm still alive because for some reason you can't quite bring yourself to kill me." He looked over the king. "I need to know why."


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[Some random angst, not a rp]
          "I don't fucking know, Alastor!" The king screamed, his hands shaking as he held onto the other demon. "I don't know. I don't know why we're like this, I don't why I don't want- I don't know why I haven't just fucking killed you already and been done with it." His grip loosened as he went on, until his hands eventually dropped to his side and he looked down at the ground. "I don't know why I'm starting to questioning everything.." 


            There's so much angst here I love toxic radioapple 


//evil luci redemption arc?
          Either I'm accidentally mixing normal luci with evil luci, or this guy is having a major mid-afterlife crisis where he questions everything. 
          I don't know if it will last though, it may just be a single moment of guilt that he pushes away and never thinks about it again. 


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The fuck is this fandoms problem with shipping. People create their own pairings and their own fanart and their own shit of how different characters would interact, REGARDLESS OF WHAT IS IN THE SHOW OR NOT. Not everything has to be fucking canon. That's the whole God damn point of shipping. It's the freedom to do whatever the fuck you want with it.
          It doesn't effect canon AT ALL so why don't people quit bitching about this shit and let people do what they want. 
          This is why I hate this fandom. Back when it was just the pilot people got to ship whatever they want and there was barely any hate about it, but now the fandom is just full of judgemental bitches who police every little God damn thing and I am tired of it.


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I fucking hate this fandom so God damn much. 


            I'm going offline until Rocky comes back.